Ming Dynasty Aim: How did the Ming Dynasty return China to it’s glory ? Ming Dynasty
How did the Ming Dynasty bring glory back to China after years of Mongolian domination ? Rebuilt the city of Beijing.
Returning Chinese Glory Restored civil service system. Return to Confucian learning. Civil Service Exams continue. Grave disapproval of corruption and disloyalty.
How does China benefit from this refocus? Farming improves- creates surplus. Population swells to over 100 million. Chinese discover Terrace farming to make additional farmland.
ARTS Distinctive landscape paintings arise.
The Great Chinese Mariner Zheng He [Cheng Ho]
Columbus sailed to America in St. Maria (eighty-five feet) in Zheng He sailed from China to many places throughout South Pacific, Indian Ocean, Taiwan, Persian Gulf and distant Africa in seven epic voyages from 1405 to 1433,some 80 years before Columbus's voyages. Zheng He flag "treasure ship" is four hundred feet long - much larger than Columbus's. In the drawing below, the two flagships are superimposed to give a clear idea of the relative size of these two ships.
“Must Know Dates” Foundations B.C.E B.C.E CE 4.5 th Century B.C.E C.E B.C.E C.E CE B.C.E CE C.E th Century B.C.E B.C.E th Century