How do we define the personality trait of a hero? A man admired for his achievements and noble qualities One who shows great courage Someone people can look up to Smart Strong Resilient Selfless Caring Charismatic Reliable Inspiring Above and beyond in combat (Alison and Goethals, Our Definition of a Hero) (Wansink, Preofiling the Heroic….)
How do the setting, conflicts, and antagonists influence the development of literary heroes? Shape the hero’s personality Shape the conflicts the hero is going to have to face Show the true colors of the hero “The hero is created by a society as "a collective response to.... helplessness and dread of loss." (Goren, Society’s Use of the….) The plane carrying the commanding officers of E company, 506 PIR was shot down by German Flak during the Normandy Invasion. Because of this, Winters, who at the time was only a Lieutenant, was made the commanding officer of E company. (Film: Band of Brothers….)
How does a hero reflect his/her particular culture and society? Major Richard Winters gave people hope/ something to believe in (Boland, Winters Richard D….) “The heroes created out of national catastrophes are a barometer of the collective's moral and emotional state and conflicts.” (Goren, Society’s Use of the….) Represent the best side of a society. (Goren, Society’s Use of the….) “The hero is created by a society as "a collective response to.... helplessness and dread of loss." (Goren, Society’s Use of the….)
How does a hero represent his/her time period and geographical area? Shows the best side of a society or area (Goren, Society’s Use of the….) Sometimes represent the vengeance of a society EX: Winters represented the best of the “Toccoa,” troops who trained. He and his division represented the best of the Airborne division. (Anderson, Ordinary Men….) Give a particular part of the world previously unseen fame Able to use to story to sell war bond/ raise money for war (Film: Band of Brothers….) Honored by the Dutch for his heroic actions during WWII. (Lynch, Band of Brothers Hero….)
How do various cultures reward or recognize their heroes? Some are viewed as gods Some are not even recognized But their need for fearless heroes has never faded. These days, some of our champions are soldiers who've shown valor in war, and astronauts who've risked their lives to explore space. We also see heroism in people who make life-saving medical discoveries, dedicate their careers to helping the poor and underprivileged, or labor to right social injustices. (Kiger, Why Do We Need….) Still, certain qualities tend to stand out as particularly heroic. For example, a Cornell University business school study of 526 World War II combat veterans found that the 83 individuals who were decorated for battlefield valor described themselves as loyal, self-disciplined, selfless and adventurous. (Kiger, Why Do We Need….) Heroes are often brave and capable of leading others, and they resolve problems that confront society. (Kiger, Why Do We Need….)
When was Major Richard Winters born, and how did this time period effect his early life? Born- January 21, 1918 in Lancaster Pennsylvania (Boland, Winters Richard D….) He was raised to not be a fighter (Ambrose, Band of Brothers….) Raised on a farm (Ambrose, Band of Brothers….) Taught hard work and dedication (Ambrose, Band of Brothers….) Graduated College = educated (Ambrose, Band of Brothers….) The world through the late 1910’s and the 20’s and early to mid 30’s thought that another war like WWI would never happen; the public shared the same view
"What made my hero want to join the service, in particular the airborne? Winters enlisted in the United States Army on August 8, At this time, he had hoped to shorten his time in service (Boland, Winters Richard D….) He was hoping to avoid a full term of service due to the draft. By enlisting on his own, Winters planned on serving a one year tour instead of three. (Boland, Winters Richard D….) While I was at OCS at Fort Benning, Ga., I applied for the airborne, a new thing that looked like a challenge. (Letter by Maj. Richard Winters) I had always enjoyed sports and physical activity, and there was a certain appeal to being with the best. (Letter by Maj. Richard Winters)
How did his experiences growing up help him when he did join the service? Raised not to be a fighter (Ambrose, Band of Brothers….) Winters enlisted in the United States Army on August 8, At this time, he had hoped to shorten his time in service (Boland, Winters Richard D….) He was hoping to avoid a full term of service due to the draft. By enlisting on his own, Winters planned on serving a one year tour instead of three. (Boland, Winters Richard D….)
Why did he continue on through the war, even though he had been shot, and he had a high enough rank where he didn't have to sit on the front lines? Close connection with his men (Ambrose, Band of Brothers….) "You are loved and will never be forgotten by any soldier that ever served under you," Talbert wrote to Mr. Winters in "I would follow you into hell.“ (Written by soldier under Winter’s command, but found in article Von Dobeneck, Dick Winters, ‘Band of Brothers….) Always wanted to do his part. (Ambrose, Band of Brothers….) Winters believes his ability to inspire men to follow him into harm's way on the dike in Holland and elsewhere was attributable to his bedrock beliefs in basic leadership qualities. (Anderson, Ordinary Men….)
Question 10:Why didn't he receive the Medal of Honor? Why did the president decide he shouldn't get it? Winters was recommended for the Medal of Honor, but he was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross instead (Boland, Winters Richard D….) Only one person in a unit can receive the medal of honor, and someone had already received it in Winter’s unit (National Archives) In the 2000’s following the release of the HBO mini- series that told the story of Easy Company, 506 PIR, including Major Richard Winters, there was a push for the president to reward Major Winters the medal of honor. However, Winters always insisted that he had no part in the push, and that if the president decided to award him the medal, he wanted to be sure he hadn’t started or been involved in the petition for him to receive it. (Lynch, Band of Brothers Hero….)
Question 11: What sacrifices did he have to make, in order to make it through the war? Wounded in Normandy (Ambrose, Band of….) Winters led thirteen of his men in destroying a Battery of German 105mm Howitzers, which were manned by a full platoon of Germans. He also obtained a detailed map of all German defenses along the Utah Beach. This assault became known as the Brecorut Manor Assault. (Boland, Winters Richard D….) During the invasion, the aircraft carrying the entire headquarters element of Easy Company was shot down by German anti-aircraft. Winters became the defacto Commanding Officer of Company E. (Boland, Winters Richard D….) Winters again showed renowned heroism in September 1944 when he successfully led twenty of his men in attacking a German force of 200 soldiers. (Boland, Winters Richard D….) on October 5, 1944, where Winters led an attack that prevented a German breakthrough of thinly held American lines. (Andreson, Ordinary Men….)