Organisational Behaviour Chapter 2
Individual differences Objectives: Show the importance of understanding individual difference Describe the key theories of personality Describe and discuss theories of intelligence Describe key learning theories Discuss issues of unfair discrimination in relation to gender and ethnicity © Mike Maughan, Organisational Behaviour, Palgrave (2014)
Why study individual differences? Important when recruiting or selecting for projects, promotion, etc. Understanding of difference influences job design Understanding cultural differences helps us avoid treating people unfairly or unethically Employees get more job satisfaction by doing work which fits their personality, ability or physical capacity Individual qualities, characteristics and beliefs of all individuals (including managers) will have an impact on others in the workplace. © Mike Maughan, Organisational Behaviour, Palgrave (2014)
Understanding personality Two main theoretical perspectives on personality: 1.Nomothetic theories assume that – – Personality is manly inherited, with a limited role for environmental factors – There are a number of personality types and traits which can be identified and measured, giving us an individual’s personality profile 2.Idiographic theories assume that – personality develops with the development of the concept of self in the individual – Personality cannot be divorced from the individual's cultural and social context – Personality is in a constant state of change and development © Mike Maughan, Organisational Behaviour, Palgrave (2014)
Understanding personality nomothetic theories Eysenck – concluded that personality could ve measured along two continua – – introversion and extroversion and – Emotional stability This gave four possible outcomes: 1.Introverted and unstable 2.Introverted and stable 3.Extroverted and stable 4.Extroverted and unstable © Mike Maughan, Organisational Behaviour, Palgrave (2014)
Understanding personality nomothetic theories Cattell identified two types of personality trait: 1.Surface traits – behaviours which tend to cluster consistently over a range of people 2.Source traits – the personal characteristics which appear to influence our behavioural responses. He identified 16 personal factors each of which can be measured along a continuum © Mike Maughan, Organisational Behaviour, Palgrave (2014)