Top Ten Reasons Your Department’s Faculty Load Report Might Have Given Roger Stewart A Headache
# 10 The report listed a faculty member as being on “Mini-sabbatical” when in fact he was on an “Assistant Professor Paid Leave”.
# 9 The report listed faculty whose unit load Actuals were different than their unit load Profile – with no apparent explanation but an endorsing signature from the chair.
# 8 The report noted that some faculty loads were not right because of incorrect or missing data from a joint department or the GE office – but there was no apparent effort to talk to those folks.
# 7 The report included 490, 590, 690, 790, 794a, 794b, 794c and 794d in a faculty member’s load to make it look like they were teaching ten courses – when in fact they weren’t teaching anything.
# 6 The report gave 100% load credit to each of five faculty team-teaching a course.
# 5 In apparent disregard for Newtonian physics, the report indicated that a faculty member was both on leave and teaching a course at the same time.
# 4 The report indicated that a faculty member had a course release based on a non- documented, verbal approval from a former chair or dean.
# 3 The report listed as being on leave a faculty member who never submitted a leave request, whose contract does not indicate a leave, and who the Business Office has on payroll as regular full-time.
# 2 The online data for the report was full of errors that were corrected with handwritten notes scribbled on the printed copy.
# 1 Your chair said it wasn’t quite ready and could he submit it “in about six weeks.”
# 1 (alternate) The report wasn’t submitted.