Origins of CHAINs u lack of map of people involved in research, evidence based practice (EBP), & related education/training u channel of communication with and between interested people researchers, clinicians, managers, teachers +++
Purposes of C.H.A.I.N. u show who is doing what u facilitate multi-professional and inter- organisational collaboration u remove barriers between research and practice - potential benefits for research and implementation
*diagram as at May 2002, N=2730 C.H.A.I.N. members’ main interests / specialties*
The C.H.A.I.N. Directory... u internet access (password protected) u a free resource for all members u not available in libraries or intranets u not like a phone directory u not like an discussion group u definitely not like Medline or Cochrane
Targeted messages u members’ calls for help - evidence sought u calls for help - advice/examples/policies sought u calls for help - collaborators sought u offers of bursaries, studentships, awards etc. u invitations to participate in relevant events u targeted dissemination of research evidence u research calls/funding opportunities
CHAINs and their members... u motivated & responsive to messages u like to broadcast, but appreciate targeting u pleased with searches and responses to messages u reach deep into ‘the pyramid’ – advantage of u can be used as a regional or local (SHA) tool to manage contacts and information and to enable targeted multiple ings u Give access to an unparalleled pool of tacit knowledge
NUSU CHAINs currently... u now 2 CHAINs: R&D/EBP and WBL u evaluation of R&D/EBP CHAIN (c1) BMJ 12/5/04 u R&D/EBP (c1) 3,000+ members (origins 1997) u WBL (c2) 400+ members (launched Apr 2004) u hundreds of targeted messages sent/received u physical ‘learning & sharing’ events successful linkage, overlap and x-cutting sub-groups u Common values: voluntary, multi-professional & free u further NHSU CHAINs to be established
New CHAINs must: u have an appropriate range of focus u be seeking functions which can be met by a CHAIN u fit with the underpinning principles of CHAINs u identify key information for joining form u resource database development u demonstrate commitment to facilitate – individual(s) with knowledge of the subject (min 1-2 days/week) u engage with the wider family of CHAINs u have a collaborative relationship with NHSU
NHSU CHAINs team will: u support development of a joining form u oversee database development u train the facilitator in searching etc. u support recruitment of members u manage data input and maintenance u send targeted messages (in collaboration with facilitator) u provide help to members with searching etc. u demonstrate CHAIN at conferences, meetings etc.
. To join C.H.A.I.N. please visit website: For any further information contact C.H.A.I.N. Administrator on