Which brand of chocolate ice cream taste the best?
Purpose: The reason we are doing this project is to see which brand of chocolate ice cream tastes the best? Hypothesis: We think that the Prairie Farms will taste the best because it is the most expensive.
Materials ½ gallons of Prairie Farms chocolate ice cream ½ gallon of Great Value chocolate ice cream ½ gallon of Blue Bunny chocolate ice cream 1 recording sheet 25 spoons 25 cups 1 pencil 1 computer
Procedure 1. We bought Blue Bunny, Prairie Farms, and Great Value chocolate ice cream. 2. We brought it to school put it in the freezer, then waited until the taste test. 3. We put out paper labeled the papers 1,2,3. 4. We scooped Prairie Farms chocolate ice cream into 19 Dixie cups and put them on the paper labeled We scooped Great Value chocolate ice cream into 19 Dixie cups and put them on the paper labeled We scooped Blue Bunny chocolate ice cream into 19 Dixie cups and put them on the paper labeled Our classmates ate the ice cream and voted on which one they liked the best 8. We counted the votes and told our classmates which ice cream won.
Graphed Results
Conclusions Our hypothesis was wrong because we said Prairie farms would win because it was the most expensive. Great value actually won and was the least expensive. If we were to do this project again we would pick three different brands to test.
Acknowledgements We would like to thank our Moms for buying the ice cream, Mrs. Ledbetter for helping us prepare the taste test, and Mrs. Stinebring and Miss Tackett for also helping to prepare everything.