Two families that are feuding, and Shakespeare never says why! Capulets Montagues Vs.
Directions: As we go through each slide, draw a sketch of what is happening on your Act I Storyboard. You will only have two minutes to sketch per slide! Feel free to include speech bubbles! Label the characters if necessary.
Box #1 Sampson and Gregory, two servants of the house of Capulet, stroll through the streets of Verona. Sampson talks about how much he hates the Montagues. The two men joke around about their hatred.
Box #2 Gregory sees two Montague servants approaching, and discusses with Sampson the best way to provoke them into a fight without breaking the law. Sampson (literally) bites his thumb at the Montagues—a highly insulting gesture. A verbal confrontation quickly escalates into a fight.
Box #3 Benvolio, Romeo’s cousin (a Montague), now enters the scene and draws his sword in an attempt to stop the confrontation. Tybalt, Juliet’s cousin (a Capulet), sees Benvolio’s drawn sword and draws his own. They start to fight. The citizens all join in.
Box #4 Montague and Capulet enter (heads of each household), and only their wives prevent them from attacking one another. The fight escalates.
Box #5 Prince Escalus arrives and commands the fighting stop. The Capulets and Montagues throw down their weapons. Prince Escalus declares the violence between the two families has gone on for too long, and proclaims a death sentence upon anyone who disturbs the civil peace again.
Box #6 Everyone leaves the scene, and only Benvolio (Romeo’s cousin), Montague, and Lady Montague (Romeo’s parents) are left on stage. They are concerned about Romeo because they don’t know where he is. They ask Benvolio if he’s seen him. Benvolio explains that he has, and that for some reason, Romeo is horribly sad.
Box #7 Romeo enters the scene, and Montague and Lady Montague leave to give Benvolio time to counsel him in his sadness. Romeo states that he is crushed- a woman named Rosaline has decided she does not want to be with him. He explains that he will never love again.
Box #8 Benvolio tells Romeo that he will try to find him another girlfriend. End of Act One, Scene One
Discussion Points What caused the fighting in the street? What is your opinion of the Montagues vs. the Capulets? Do you like one more than the other? Why or why not? What is Romeo’s opinion about love?