Common Core Standard Literacy 8.4b Use common, grade-appropriate Greek or Latin affixes and roots as clues to the meaning of a word (e.g., precede, recede, secede).
PrefixMeaning of PrefixWords derived from Prefix SubBelow, underSubmarine, subconscious, subjugate, subsidize, subterranean TransAcross, overTransport, transfer, transform, transform, translucent, transplant HyperAbove, over, moreHyperactive, hypercritical, hypertension, hyperthermia, SuperAbove, over, moreSuperior, superlative, supernatura,l supervise SuprAbove, over, moreSupreme, SurAbove, over, moreSurcharge, surplus, survive Greek and Latin Affixes- Vocabulary List #1 This goes in your Vocabulary Composition books.
WordDefinitionPart of Speech Picture, Synonym, Sentence Hyperbole Subdue Supremacy Superimpose Surveillance Transcribe
Greek and Latin Affixes- Vocabulary List #1 This goes in your Vocabulary Composition books. WordDefinitionPart of Speech Picture, Synonym, Sentence apprehensive Melancholy Profound Sinuous zeal
Greek and Latin Affixes- Vocabulary List #1 This goes in your Vocabulary Composition books. PrefixMeaning of PrefixWords derived from Prefix ForeBefore, towardForesee PreBefore, towardPrepare ProBefore, forwardProceed RetroBackwardsRetrofit Cir, circumAroundCircumference PeriAround, surrounding, nearPerimeter
Bell Ringer: Mon. 5/6- This goes in your Vocabulary Composition books. PrefixMeaning of PrefixWords derived from Prefix Fore Pre Pro Retro Cir, circum Peri
Homework: Mon. 5/6 Look for two more words that begin with each of our prefixes.
ROOT WORDS AND AFFIXES Latin, Greek, Anglo-Saxon (Germanic) The English Language is a wonderful amalgamation of words from other languages. Technological innovations, and manufactured terms. The most common everyday words In English are Anglo-Saxon. However 70% of our vocabulary is derived from Greek And Latin words. Latin and Greek words have become the building blocks of modern language. We combine root words, prefixes, and suffixes to create a word that accurately describes a concept.
Latin and Greek Root Words and Affixes Tele = Distance Phon – sound Eco= House or environment ology = study of TelephoneEcology