John Willis Antibiotics: Positive VS Negative Effects
Interest The Medical Field This would require me to know about the concept of resistance.
Paper Driving Question: Are antibiotics more harmful than helpful and what can we, as people, do to prevent bacteria from becoming resistant to them? Thesis Statement: Antibiotics are more harmful than helpful since they could cause bacteria to become resistant which cause future problems such as antibiotic-resistant bacteria and bioterrorism attacks; ways to help prevent these future health problems include: taking all the prescribed doses of the medication, not stockpiling the medication, and following all the instructions that come with the antibiotic medication.
Paper Interesting Facts I learned: Antibiotics affects our lives more than I thought. Before, I didn't know that bacteria of different species could exchange genetic information via conjugation, a mating process. Antibiotic resistance can affect how well crops grow.
Summary of What I Learned I learned many things while doing the NCGP: Antibiotics ARE more harmful than helpful Time Management Public Speaking
Product Fund Raising for ECU’s Medical and Health Sciences Foundation Teaching a class about my topic I did not have a Mentor
Fund Raising I made cake pops to sell for 5o cents each I made a total profit of around 100 dollars I made a Facebook Event that invited everyone I could to participate ECU’s Medical and Health Science Foundation is for educating and researching things in the Medical and Health Science field, including antibiotics
Teaching I created a PowerPoint as a guideline for teaching the classes. This PowerPoint was presented to the class while I went in detail in the subject. I directly taught about my topic.
Successes and Challenges Successes Time management Paper and Product finished! I was able to raise about 100 dollars for ECU’s Medical and Health Science Foundation Challenges Organization Source Scarcity Finding something to do for the Product
Where to Next? School Career What I will take away Experience Knowledge of Resistance Business Skills
"American Anthrax Outbreak of 2001." UCLA School of Public Health | Building Healthy Futures... Web. 05 Apr Antibiotics: MedlinePlus." National Library of Medicine - National Institutes of Health. Web. 04 Apr "Attorney General." Portal. Web. 05 Apr "CDC Anthrax Q & A: Preventive Therapy." CDC Emergency Preparedness & Response Site. Web. 05 Apr Cirz RT, Chin JK, Andes DR, de Crécy-Lagard V, Craig WA, et al. Inhibition of Mutation and Combating the Evolution of Antibiotic Resistance. PloS Magazine. June "General Background: About Antibiotic Resistance." Tufts University. Web. 05 Apr "General Background: About Bacteria & Antibiotics." Tufts University. Web. 05 Apr "General Background: Bioterrorism & Stockpiling Antibiotics." Tufts University. Web. 05 Apr Mayer, Gene. "Antibiotics." Biomedical Sciences Graduate Program. Web. 05 Apr Smith DL, Dushoff J, Morris JG Jr. Agricultural Antibiotics and Human Health. PloS Magazine. July 2005
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