1.What “C” is the opposite of a producer? 2.Name six types of shopping environment 3.Where in the world is Roboraptor made? 4.What is the minimum working age in Japan? 5.What year did the legal minimum working age in the UK get raised to 16? ANSWERS ANSWERS 1.Consumer 2.Convenience store, CBD comparison store, retail park, metro store, out-of- town superstore, street market 3.China Round 1
6.What are the “4 R s” ? 7.How far is Fiji from the UK? 8.Where is “Santa’s workshop? (the country and the city) 9.Which famous band released their music through the internet only in 2007? 10.How much money did the UK spend online last year? ANSWERS ANSWERS Recycle, refuse, re-use, repair 20,000 km Dongguan, China Radiohead £4.9 billion Round 2
11.What country do you associate with Bollywood? 12.Fill in the blanks: Food …….. and …….. Footprint (tip: think of pollution) 13.When was easyJet’s first online sale? (tip: between 1995 & 2000) 14.When was school first made compulsory in the UK? 15.True of false? The French only work 30 hours a week. ANSWERS India Miles; Carbon 1998 1880 False; they actually work 35 hours Round 3