Sacramento City College’s 360˚Approach to Student Success & Support and Student Equity The Student Success and Support Program (SSSP) and Student Equity.


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Presentation transcript:

Sacramento City College’s 360˚Approach to Student Success & Support and Student Equity The Student Success and Support Program (SSSP) and Student Equity Program Plans Update Flex Training January 13, 2016

SB 1456: the Student Success Act September effective January 1, 2013 Quick Summary Targets new students – mandates core services Focuses on students enrolling for degrees, certificates, transfer and career advancement Encourages the use of technology to effectively serve more students Mandates core services and targets funding – orientation, assessment, counseling and developing an education plan Shared institutional and student responsibility and accountability Incentivizes positive student academic performance and progress (interventions and/or consequences) Linked to statewide common assessment and accountability scorecard Linked to student equity plan

Key Elements Institutional Responsibilities The program of services funded through the Student Success and Support Program, shall include, but are not necessarily limited to, all of the following: Orientation services Assessment before course registration Counseling and other education planning services, which shall include, but not necessarily be limited to, all of the following: Counseling and advising. Assistance to students in the exploration of educational and career interests and aptitudes and identification of educational objectives The provision of information, guided by sound counseling principles and practices, using a broad array of delivery mechanisms, including technology-based strategies to serve a continuum of student needs and abilities, that will enable students to make informed choices. Development of an education plan leading to a course of study and guidance on course selection that is informed by, and related to, a student’s academic and career goals.

Key Elements Referral to specialized support services as needed and available Evaluation of each student’s progress and referral to appropriate interventions for students: who are enrolled in basic skills courses, who have not declared an educational goal as required, who are on academic probation Institutional Responsibilities (continued)

Key Elements The student’s responsibilities under the agreement include, but are not necessarily limited to, the identification of an academic and career goal upon application, the declaration of a specific course of study after a specified time period or unit accumulation (15 units), diligence in class attendance and completion of assigned coursework, and the completion of courses and maintenance of academic progress toward an educational goal and course of study identified in the student’s education plan. BOG Fee Waiver - Places conditions on eligibility. Students must meet academic and progress standards, as defined by the BOG. Student Responsibilities

Student Equity The intent of the student equity planning process is for colleges to conduct a self-evaluation on improving successful outcomes for all students. Colleges must conduct basic research to determine the extent of disparities in student equity in the five student success areas i.e. disproportionate impact The goals and objectives of the plan must reflect effective strategies to address the achievement gaps and/or mitigate disproportionate impact

Student Equity Requirements Populations required (at a minimum) (Ed Code §78220 – 78221): American Indian or Alaska Native Asian Black or African American Hispanic or Latino Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander White Some other race 1 More than one race In addition, plans must address students with the following characteristics: Males Students with disabilities Females Low-income students Current or former foster youth Veterans [1] According to the US Census definitions, some other race includes all other responses not included in the "White," "Black or African American," "American Indian or Alaska Native," "Asian," and "Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander" race categories. Multiracial, mixed, interracial, or other responses reported to the race question are included in this category.

Student Equity Requirements Success Indicators Access Course Completion ESL and Basic Skills Completion Degree and Certificate Completion Transfer Student Success and Support Services - The effect of mandatory participation of new students in SSSP services and enrollment priority, as well as the loss of Board of Governors (BOG) fee waiver of new students.

SSSP and Student Equity Plans SSSP Plan – One year plan with annual revision/update describing how SSSP services will be provided to credit students (orientation, assessment, counseling/advising, development of an ed. plan and follow-up to defined at- risk students) budget and coordination with other programs and colleges in the district – SCC oversight – Matriculation and Student Success Committee plan was due to CCCCO on November 16, 2015 Student Equity Plan – 3 year plan with annual revision/update that describes: Basic research to determine the extent of disparities in student equity in the five student success areas Activities to ensure student equity outcomes whenever disparity is noted Budget Evaluation methods FY Equity plan focus was on successful completion of Basic Skills and evaluation of current programs - SCC oversight - Student Equity Committee plan was due to CCCCO on December 18, 2015

Funding Guidelines SSSP General Rules Program funds can only be used to support and meet the costs of the service components described in title 5 (orientation, assessment, counseling/advising, development of an ed. plan and follow-up to defined at-risk students) and in accordance with the objectives and activities identified in the college’s approved SSSP Plan. Any expenditure not included in the SSSP Plan must be approved by the Chancellor’s Office. Core Services Orientation Assessment Counseling, advising, ed. Planning Follow-up (3 at-risk populations) Other (must be directly related to program/services) Research, admissions and transfer Program Director, coordinator and staff Office Supplies and Postage Publications and Outreach materials In-state travel and Training Computer hardware/software and equipment Food and beverages

Funding Guidelines General criteria for expending Student Equity funds: Expenditures must: Be targeted towards the populations, goals and activities prioritized in the college Student Equity Plan as defined in statute and title 5. Targeted populations, goals and activities must be prioritized based on the results of a disproportionate impact study outlined in the Student Equity Plan. Meet the purpose, and address the target populations and success indicators of Student Equity as defined in statute and Title 5. Be necessary and reasonable. Outreach – student groups in the plan Student services and programs that support improved outcomes for prioritized populations Research and evaluation Student equity planning Professional development Adapting academic/career related programs/courses to improve equity outcomes Instructional support services (non-ftes) In-state travel for equity Other direct student support e.g. books, transportation, childcare, supplies

Program Coordination Integrate Student Equity planning into college and district wide planning efforts: Accreditation Educational master planning Program review SSSP Plan – including coordination with other Student Services/college programs Basic Skills Initiative Plan Adopt a holistic approach to planning, budgeting, and delivery of services to support equity in student access and success

Accreditation Education Master Plan/Program Review Student Success & Support Program Basic Skills Initiative Student Equity Program Coordination

Status Update SSSP and Student Equity Fiscal year ends June 2016 New allocation effective July 1, 2016 Revised Plans and budgets for due TBD Challenges in : Short time frame for plan revision, review and approval Outcome data and program effectiveness evaluation not yet analyzed to inform strategies for improvement Infrastructure for SSSP service delivery not complete and in place. Space to house new staff and services Addressing backlog of students needing Basic Skills

Outreach Pathways Senior Sat. Orientation Assessment Counseling Ed. Plans. Mentoring First Year Experience Counseling Referral Follow-up The CORE DRAFT AY Net 1 - The Core Net 2 - Coordination/Tracking Net 3 - Early Alert Student Success and Support Net (SSSNet)

Next Steps Use your representatives on the Student Equity Committee and the Matriculation and Student Success Committee to give and receive information on the Student Equity and SSSP efforts! Use your constituency group’s senate for sharing ideas and collecting feedback. Let’s begin working on now!