Elven Hunter Ranger / Level 6 STRENGTH Athletics CONSTITUTION Endurance DEXTERITY Acrobatics Stealth+13 Thievery+10 INTELLIGENCE Arcana 0+3 History+3 Religion+3 WISDOM Dungeoneering Heal+5 Insight+5 Nature+7 Perception+7 CHARISMA Bluff 0+3 Diplomacy+3 Intimidate+3 Streetwise+3 TRAITS & FEATS Fey Origin Elven Weapon Proficiency (longbow and short bow) Group Awareness Non-elf allies within 5 squares get +1 to Perception Lethal Hunter Hunter’s Quarry damage dice increase to d8s Speaks common & elven Low-light vision INITIATIVE HIT POINTS 48 SURGES 12 TEMPORARY HIT POINTS Bloodied at 24 AC 20 FORT 15 REF 19 WILL SPEED Helm Neck Arms Hands Ring, Main Ring, Off ArmorLeather Waist Main Hand Kalarel’s Bane Off Hand Feet Tatoo SECOND WIND SAVE VS. DEATH 123 GEAR & NOTES Adventurer’s Kit UTILITY & TRIGGERS NAMETARGETKEYWORDS MINHunter’s Quarry1 creature- Effect: You can designate the nearest enemy to you that you can see as your quarry. You can designate one enemy as your quarry at a time. You deal +1d8 damage (Lethal Hunter) to your quarry 1 per round. FREEElven AccuracyPersonal- Trigger: You make an attack roll and dislike the result. Effect: Reroll the attack roll with a +2 (Elven Precision) +1d4 (Wild Elf Luck). Use the second roll, even if it is lower. If the rerolled attack hits your quarry, the attack deals extra damage 1d6 + 2 (Brutal Accuracy). MOVSerpentine DodgePersonalMartial Requirement: You must be within 2 squares of at least two enemies Effect: You can shift 3 squares. Until the end of your next turn you gain a power bonus to all defenses equal to the number of enemies you were adjacent to at any time during the shift. NONEBegin the HuntPersonal & 1 creatureMartial Trigger: You roll initiative Effect: Gain +2 to initiative. Designate one creature you see as your quarry. Gain +2 power bonus to attack against that creature while it is your quarry. CHECK MOD
TRAITS & FEATS Quick DrawYou can draw a weapon with your attack action, +2 to initiative Prime ShotIf no allies are closer to the target than you, get a +1 on ranged attacks against that target Wild StepIgnore difficult terrain when shifting one or more squares NAMEATTACKTARGETKEYWORDS STDMelee Basic+11 vs. AC1 creatureWeapon Hit: (+1 long sword) 1d8 + 3 or (dagger) 1d4 + 2 STDShield of Blades+4 vs. AC1 creatureMartial, Weapon Requirement: You must be wielding two melee weapons. Hit: 1d8 + 1 damage, and you gain a +2 power bonus to AC Until the end of your next turn MELEE ONLY ATTACKS NAMEATTACKTARGETKEYWORDS FREEKalarel’s Bane-PersonalLightning Effect: All damage dealt by this weapon is lightning damage. Another free action returns the damage to normal. FREEKalarel’s Bane-Burst 2Lightning Effect: Use this power when you hit with the weapon. The target and each enemy within 2 squares of the target take 1d6 lightning damage. MAGIC ITEMS RANGED & ADAPTABLE ATTACKS NAMEATTACKTARGETKEYWORDS STDRanged Basic+11 vs. AC (+1 if prime shot)1 creatureWeapon Hit: (+1 longbow) 1d or (dagger) 1d4 + 5 STDTwin Strike +11 vs. AC; +11 vs. AC (+1 prime shot)+7 vs. AC; +6 vs. AC (two weapons) 1 or 2 creaturesMartial, Weapon Hit:(+1 longbow) 1d per attackHit: (+1 long sword) 1d8 + 1 and (dagger) 1d4 STDTwo-Fanged Strike+11 vs. AC; +11 vs. AC (+1 prime shot)+7 vs. AC; +6 vs. AC (two weapons)1Martial, Weapon Hit:(+1 longbow) 1d per attackHit:(+1 long sword) 1d8 + 2 and (dagger) 1d4 + 1 Special: If both attacks hit, you deal extra 2 damage STDCut and Run+11 vs. AC; +11 vs. AC (+1 prime shot)+7 vs. AC; +6 vs. AC (two weapons)1 or 2 creaturesMartial, Weapon Hit:(+1 longbow) 1d per attackHit:(+1 long sword) 1d8 + 2 and (dagger) 1d4 + 1 Special: After either attack, you can shift 2 squares STDHunt’s End+11 vs. AC (+1 if prime shot)+8 vs. AC1 bloodied creatureMartial, Weapon Hit:(+1 longbow) 3d10 + 6Hit:(+1 long sword) 3d8 + 2 or (dagger) 3d4 + 1 Miss: Half damage Special: If the target is your quarry, the attack can score a critical hit on a roll of STDAdaptive Assault+11 vs. AC; +11 vs. AC (+1 prime shot)+7 vs. AC; +6 vs. AC (two weapons)1 or 2 creaturesMartial, Weapon Hit:(+1 longbow) 1d per attackHit:(+1 long sword) 1d8 + 2 and (dagger) 1d4 + 1 Miss: Half damage per attack Effect: If both attacks hit the same target, the target either takes ongoing 5 damage or is dazed (save ends either) RANGED MELEE