GOALS, OBJECTIVES, STRATEGIES Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services
WIC GOALS - OVERVIEW Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services Goals are broad, general, intangible, and abstract. A goal is really about the final impact or outcomes that our program wants to accomplish. Three goals have been created for agencies to utilize: Improve breastfeeding rates of Missouri WIC Participants* Improve health outcome of Missouri WIC participants Improve customer services of Missouri WIC participants *All agencies will be required to continue with a breastfeeding goal.
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WRITING OBJECTIVE STATEMENTS Measurable objectives start with a from (measurement indices) to (measurement indices) by (specific date) statement. To reduce anemia from 18% to 16% in pregnant women identified “at risk” by June 30, 2016.
ASSESSING OBJECTIVES EVERY objective MUST be measured. Data must be available to show evidence that each objective can be measured. Data can come from standardized objective measures, performance assessments, checklists, or other methods.
WIC OBJECTIVES Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services
WIC OBJECTIVES Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services
WIC OBJECTIVES Add a new objective
WIC OBJECTIVES Next step Strategies
WRITING STATEMENTS Should include an action verb and the means to accomplish the objective. Be sure to include a timeline. Purchase video on high iron foods by December 31, 2016.
WIC STRATEGIES Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services
WIC STRATEGIES Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services
WIC STRATEGIES Add a new strategy Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services
Reminders The next step after reviewing or adding a strategy is to return to the Objectives page and complete these steps for each Objective listed. If you have any questions about this training, please contact your district nutritionist.