PROYECTO VIDA Brendan O’Connell Frank Galvan Robert Contreras
To implement a culturally innovative program designed to improve the timely entry, engagement and retention in quality HIV care for Mexican-heritage MSM living in Los Angeles County. OBJECTIVES
INTERVENTION DESCRIPTION Priority population: Mexican-heritage MSM in Los Angeles County (either foreign- or native-born) Los Angeles County Department of Health Services, Division of HIV & STDs Programs, personal communication, March 5, 2013
Service delivery settings Client-focused: (1) social network engagement (2) social network testing (3) HIV testing (4) linkage coordination/peer navigation (LC/PN) Provider-focused: (1) LC/PN advocacy with medical providers (2) trainings of providers at partner medical clinics GOALS (1)Conduct 2,328 HIV tests (2)Enroll 150 HIV+ MSM (70 newly diagnosed and 80 HIV+ previously diagnosed but not in care) SERVICES AND ACTIVITIES
TrainingProviderStaffStatus of Completion The Role of Peer Providers in Integrated HealthNational Council for Behavioral HealthJuan Sanchez (LC/PN) Luis Peñate (LC/PN) Completed Putting Culture Into Context: Communicating with Diverse Latino Communities California Pacific Public Health Training Center Juan Sanchez (LC/PN) Luis Peñate (LC/PN) Completed Protecting Human Research ParticipantsNIH Office of Extramural ResearchLuis Peñate (LC/PN) Juan Sanchez (LC/PN) Brendan O’Connell (PM) Completed BASIC I HIV Counselor TrainingLos Angeles County Department of Public Health Juan Sanchez (LC/PN) Luis Peñate (LC/PN) Brendan O’Connell (PM) Completed Motivational Interviewing TrainingUCLA Integrated Substance Abuse Program; Motivational Interviewing Network of Trainers Juan Sanchez (LC/PN) Luis Peñate (LC/PN) Completed HIV/AIDS 101Los Angeles County Department of Public Health Juan Sanchez (LC/PN)Scheduled HIPAA Privacy and Information Security Training for New Workforce Members UCLA David Geffen School of MedicineJuan Sanchez(LC/PN) Luis Peñate (LC/PN) Brendan O’Connell (PM) Completed Social Determinants of Health and HIVCalifornia STD/HIV Prevention Training Center Juan Sanchez(LC/PN) Luis Peñate (LC/PN) Completed Delivery of the Positive HIV Test ResultsCalifornia STD/HIV Prevention Training Center Juan Sanchez(LC/PN) Luis Peñate (LC/PN) Completed HIV Today: What Everyone Needs To KnowCalifornia STD/HIV Prevention Training Center Juan Sanchez (LC/PN) Luis Peñate (LC/PN) Completed Latinos and HIV: Cultural Issues that Affect CareTexas/Oklahoma AIDS Education and Training Center Luis Peñate (LC/PN)Completed The Role of Culture in Treatment of Latinos with Substance Use Disorders National Hispanic & Latino ATTCBrendan O’Connell (PM)Completed Gender and Sexuality Diversity, HIV and the BorderTexas Oklahoma AIDS Education Training Center Brendan O’Connell (PM)Completed
HIV CARE CONTINUUM TARGETS OF INTERVENTION ACTIVITIES Stigma reduction IdentificationLinkageRetention Intervention Activities: 1.Social Network Testing XXX 2. Mobile HIV TestingXXX 3.Community Outreach XXX 4.Clinic ReferralsXX 5.Social Network Engagement XXX 6.Peer NavigationXXX 7. Incorporating Mexican Cultural Components XXXX
Intervention Update Protocols Development Updates Intervention Changes Challenges Program Development
PARTNERS AND COLLABORATORS Los Angeles Gay and Lesbian Center, Jeffrey Goodman Special Care Clinic Los Angeles County/University of Southern California Medical Center, 5P21/Rand Schrader HIV Clinic Northeast Valley Health Corporation
CONTACT INFORMATION Robert Contreras, M.B.A.Brendan O’Connell, MSW Principal Investigator Program Manager (323) , ext. 122 Phone: ext: 217 Frank Galvan, Ph.D. Program Evaluator (323) , ext. 117