Management Information Systems 1 Charles Parker 2 nd Edition Prepared By: Hamad Raza (Lecturer GCUF) Chapter 1: Introduction to Management Information Systems
Goal of This Course How can MIS help you do your job? Understand the technology. Analyze business problems. An introduction to systems analysis. Identify types of problems that MIS can help solve through cases. Ability to classify problems. Know when to call for help.
Why is MIS Important? MIS affects all areas of business Manufacturing Accounting & Finance Human resources Marketing Top management Performance evaluations—expectations
Contents of Lecture Introduction to Management Information Systems Emergence of MIS What Is MIS? MIS Subsystems
Introduction to Management Information Systems MIS deals with The science and art of management and Decision making Psychological and behavioral issues that often determine the success or failure of an information system Environmental and technological forces that create the opportunity to use information as a competitive weapon. How to built information Systems in a Sensible and Manageable way.
Emergence of MIS Evolution journey of MIS Step by Step US Bureau of Census Purchase the first Electronic Computer for Business Purpose Dominant Applications Were Payroll, Billing & other Accounting operations.
Advancement in disk technology. Programming Languages improved Dramatically Operating systems refined People began to accept computers and relay on the outputs that they produced. Emergence of MIS
Micro computers. Interactive Display Devices. “User Friendly software” Improvement in Database technology. Emergence of MIS
Expanded the Role of information systems by using Word Processing, Desktop Publishing, Electronic mail and several other Computer, Communication based processes. Information technology took a new role in organization. A large Drug store Distributor computerized his business process and got too much profit. Emergence of MIS
What is Management Information System? MIS is a system that provides with either data or information relating to an organization’s operations. Management information system support the activities of employees, Owners, Customers, and other key people in the organization’s environment either by efficiently processing data to assist with the transaction work load or by effectively supplying information to authorize people in a timely manner. For example: Data processing system that performs accounting & clerical functions are information systems.
MIS Subsystems In order to implement the definition we take a look at the MIS effort in an organization as composed of following four sub systems. Management Information Systems (MIS) Transaction Processing Systems (TPS) Management Reporting Systems (MRS) Decision Support Systems (DSS) Office Information Systems (OIS)
Transaction Processing Systems Transaction processing system comprise the routine, day-to- day accounting operations provide linkage among the customer, accounts receivable, accounts payable, inventory control and many other operations.
Management Reporting Systems A management reporting system generates the pre-planed printed reports for decision making purpose /for mangers. Report produced by MRS are commonly by-products of the extensive and detailed database assembled by Transaction Processing Systems. These Reports consists of Routine summary of information about organizational operations.
Decision Support System A decision support system provides a set of easy to use modeling, retrieving and reporting capabilities so that people can generate the information that they feel will be useful to them when making decisions. For example: DSS might allow mangers to sit at an interactive terminals & browse through data, analyze them & create specially tailored reports. Further development of the DSS have resulted in Group Decision Support Systems that support the activities and decision of entire work team.
Office Information Systems Office information System include the use of such computer based, office oriented technologies as word processing, electronic mail, video teleconferencing, and so on.