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Pam Allen Carey Mann Mariana De Luca
Sign in-Materials Distribution Introductions Warm up activity Course Overview Historical Background of English Language Teaching (ELT) Videos: Audiolingualism, Silent Way, Suggestopedia, Communicative Language Teaching Break Direct Method, Community Language Teaching (CLT), Total Physical Response (TPR), Natural Approach Content Area Instruction, Strategies Based Instruction, Form Based Instruction, Performance Based Instruction Wrap up: Strengths and weaknesses of approaches and methods- Case studies Homework
Write three sentences about your hometown or country. Do not mention the name of town or country. Hand in your papers to facilitators who will redistribute them. Find out who lives in the town described by asking three questions. Also, find out the name of the person and the town/country. Stand in a circle and say a few words about someone else’s home.
Classical Greek And Medieval Latin Periods Emphasis on using foreign Languages Fluent speakers, readers and writers of classical languages Renaissance Emphasis on the formal study of the grammars of Greek and Latin Latin is abandoned as a Lingua Franca
European Vernaculars become prestigious (17 th Century) Emphasis on utility Inductive approach to teaching languages Classical Latin and classical texts in schools and Universities (19 th Century) Emphasis on the formal study of the grammars of Greek and Latin The Grammar Translation Approach
General principles and theories concerning how languages are learned, how knowledge of language is represented and organized in memory. Examples include, Grammar Translation Approach and Cognitive Approach.
The actual implementation of the learning theories, a specific set of procedures more or less compatible with a appoach. The Silent Way is an Example.
A specific type of learning activity used in one or more methods (Using colored rods)
Audiolingualism Silent Way Suggestopedia Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) teaching-methods#child teaching-methods#child-1419
Summarize key points of method Sketch something important Questions Personal Reaction Method: _________________