UK Link Committee Update Chris Fears October 2008 UK Link Data Centre Peterborough Power Outage
Background On 15 th September a substation in Peterborough was targeted by vandals This caused widespread electricity outages across a wide area and impacted the UK Link Data Centre at Peterborough. The resilience built into the Data centre power supply failed As a result UK Link was unavailable for 11 hours Unable to fail over to the alternate site as this was in the process of being moved from Wellingborough to Kettering
Ongoing Actions Re-evaluation of the design of the power solution This is deemed to be suitable and has been in operation for 15 years without a similar issue Regular testing had not surfaced this problem A route cause analysis has been undertaken to determine why there were multiple failures resulting in power loss Switches are made to fail but it was the re-setting of these switches that caused the issue Remedial work planned for 26 th October where the switches will be replaced No impacts expected on UK Link Mitigations are being investigated with regards to the final work at Kettering when Peterborough will be operating as a single site for a period of time on 15 th November Putting the system experts on stand by at Peterborough