Course introduction Rawhia salah Assistant Prof. of Nursing 2015/2016 Nursing Management and leadership 485
Course general information NUR 485 Course code Nursing Management and leadership Course name 3 (Theory) Credit hours Course date/time: Wednesday 2: pm Course date/time: Wednesday 2: pm
What is the main purpose for this course?
This course aims to provide students with basic knowledge and supervisory skills affecting their management and leadership skills that are required for managing nursing teams from different cultural background emphasizing leadership style.
Course outline Communication skills in nursing management practice Stress management in nursing management practice Decision making process and tools in nursing management practice
Course outline Motivation and morale in nursing management practice Conflict management in nursing management practice Theories of leadership in nursing management practice
Course outline Financial management, cost containment, and marketing in nursing management practice Organizational concepts and structures in nursing management practice Selection and development of personnel in nursing management practice Staffing and scheduling in nursing management practice
Course outline Evaluation and discipline of personnel in nursing management practice Continuous quality improvement, risk management, and change in nursing management practice
SUBJECTGRADEWeek Due Quizzes105 th, 11 th week First Assessment Exam208 th week Second Assessment Exam2013 th week Project10 Last 2 Weeks Final Exam40 At the End TOTAL100 Schedule of Assessment
13 Learning Materials
14 Contacte information Office hours: Sunday 1: pM and Monday 9: am