How to remove impurities from water?
How to remove impurities from water We may remove solid particles by: 1 Sedimentation 2 Filtration Filter column Filter paper 3 Distillation
How to remove impurities from water Sedimentation Can remove LARGE solid particles LARGE particles will settle in water Forming a layer of sediment at the bottom
How to remove impurities from water Filtration (by filter column) Can remove FINE solid particles FINE particles will be trapped Liquid collected under the column is filtrate How does the filtrate look?
How to remove impurities from water Filtration (by filter paper) Can remove FINE solid particles FINE particles (residue) will be trapped Liquid collected under the column is filtrate Work like a filter column
How to remove impurities from water Distillation Can remove all impurities in water Boiling condensation of water watersteam water boilingcondensation
How to remove impurities from water Distillation water boils water condenses