Upper Limb Regions Shoulder Arm & Forearm Hand
Shoulder region Bones Joints Muscles Vessels & Nerves
Shoulder Osteology Clavicle Scapula Humerus
Clavicle Sup. S shape Latin clavis = key, old Roman key was S-shaped
Clavicle Inf. Ligaments attachment Conoid: cone shape
Clavicle Ant. Medial & lateral ends
Anterior Posterior korax = a crow
Glene: Greek = socket acromion: Greek akros = Hill
Shoulder Separation
Subacromial bursa Bursitis
Shoulder X-ray, AP projection 1, Clavicle. 2, Acromion. 3, Greater tubercle. 4, Lesser tubercle. 5, Neck of Humerus. 6, Humerus. 7, Coracoid Process. 8, Axillary border of scapula. 9, Rib.
Shoulder region Bones Joints Muscles Vessels & Nerves
Classifications of muscles that move the shoulder A. muscles connecting scapula to humerus B. muscles connecting trunk to scapula C. muscles connecting trunk to humerus
Short muscles
Coracobrachialis Function: flex & adduct the shoulder joint
Deltoid Origin: – Clavicle, scapula Insertion: – Deltoid tuberosity of humerus Actions: – Abduction – Anterior deltoid: internal rotation – Posterior deltoid: external rotation
B. muscles connecting trunk to scapula 1.Serratus anterior 2.Levator scapula 3.Rhomboid major 4.Rhomboid minor 5.Trapezius 6.Pectoralis minor
Serratus Anterior Origin: – Ribs Insertion: – Medial border of scapula Actions: – Protraction and rotation of scapula
Trapezius Origin: – Occipital bone of skull, cervical and thoracic vertebrae Insertion: – Clavicle and Scapula Actions: – Elevation – retraction
C. muscles connecting trunk to humerus Pectoralis major Latissimus dorsi
Pectoralis Major Origin: – Clavicle, sternum, upper ribs Insertion: – Crest of greater tubercle and lat lip Action: – Add, med rotation
Latissimus Dorsi Origin: – Vertebrae, sacrum, ilium Insertion: – Medial lip Actions: – Adduction and med rotation of humerus
Latissimus Dorsi if humerus is fixed