Lesson Objectives All will be able to state why Afsana has to move to another country when she doesn’t want to. Most will be able to create categories for statements and put them into groups. Some will be able to justify the reasons why this has occurred (using data).
Starter-Push or Pull Factor? War Lack of jobs clean water terrorism infrastructure drought Family pleasant climate Good flat land
Why is Afsana moving to another country when she doesn’t want to leave? Overview- The Afsana migration mystery is set in Sudan during the year 2050 and is part story and part fact (based on a factual report written in 2007).
In small groups. You need to put the cards into different categories, but try to keep it to less than 4.
Possible details Afsana details Migration Christian Aid Report Causes.
Class Discussion- Solve the Mystery So, why does Afsana have to move to another country when she doesn’t want to?
P.E.E. (point, explain & evidence) Using the migration category: Point – She has been forced to move. (Forced migration) Explain – What is forced migration? Link to story- Why did Afsana have to move? Evidence – Back this up with the cards (DATA). STUDENT TASK- Write a short essay using P.E.E. and the levels!! Extension- Self assess your work- What have you done well? What would you do to improve- See success criteria. Write in book.
ERIC (Everyone Reads In Class) Afsana Mystery TEACHER TASK: 1.Using the levels (success criteria) give the pupil a level. 2.Complete the following (using levels) “INSERT PUPILS NAME, has given a good/great/excellent….” 3.Complete “ To improve you must….” HINT- ‘WRITING MORE’ IS NOT ACCEPTABLE AS A WAY TO IMPROVE WORK BE SPECIFIC (READ LEVELS)!
Lesson Review (Reflection Time) All should be able to state why Afsana had to move to another country when she doesn’t want to. Most should be able to create categories for statements and put them into groups. Some were able to justify the reasons why this has occurred using data. Thumbs up/ middle/ down?
Extended Plenary Was the Afsana story just a story? Is this possible? Climate change refugees? The world’s first climate change refugee??