Checking up? 1.Hindu Kush 2.Subcontinent 3.Mt. Everest 4.Bangladesh 5.Gobi 6.Northern Plains 7.Tibet 8.Deccan Plateau 1.Hindu Kush 2.Subcontinent 3.Mt. Everest 4.Bangladesh 5.Gobi 6.Northern Plains 7.Tibet 8.Deccan Plateau A.High, flat area in India B.Includes Ganges and Indus River valleys C.Five miles high D.Country east of India E.Mountains separating Pakistan from China F.High, flat area in south west China. G.India, Pakistan, Bangladesh H.“waterless place” A.High, flat area in India B.Includes Ganges and Indus River valleys C.Five miles high D.Country east of India E.Mountains separating Pakistan from China F.High, flat area in south west China. G.India, Pakistan, Bangladesh H.“waterless place”
Warm Up 1.How are the deserts in China different from the Sahara? 2.Why is it so difficult to climb Mt. Everest? 3.How has geography isolated India from China? 4.What country is northwest of India? (Hint – Muslim) 5.Where do most people live in India? Where do most people live in China? 1.How are the deserts in China different from the Sahara? 2.Why is it so difficult to climb Mt. Everest? 3.How has geography isolated India from China? 4.What country is northwest of India? (Hint – Muslim) 5.Where do most people live in India? Where do most people live in China?
The Land – cont’d V.Islands A.South Asia: Sri Lanka and the Maldives 1.south and southwest of India 2.Sri Lanka has lots of rain and is known for its tea production 3.The Maldives is made up of 1200 atolls (ring-shaped coral islands surrounding a lagoon)
The Land – cont’d B.Southeast Asia: Indonesia, the Philippines, and Singapore 1.Indonesia a.20,000 volcanic islands, more than 6000 of which are inhabited b.most people are farmers even though the soil is not fertile 2.the Philippines a.have 800 inhabited islands b.half of the people are farmers 3.Singapore a.Located between Malaysia and Indonesia b.Only 433 square miles c.Only natural resources are fish and deep water ports
The Land – cont’d C.East Asia: Japan and Taiwan 1.Japan is an archipelago with 4 main islands and about 4000 smaller islands a.many active volcanoes and is prone to earthquakes b.mountainous, very little flat land 2.Taiwan has a forested mountain range that bisects the island from north to south a.also has foothills, terraced flatlands, and coastal plains
Checking Up on Islands 1.Where is Sri Lanka? 2.What is the main industry in the Maldives? 3.Describe an atoll 4.What made many of the islands in Indonesia? 5.What is Sri Lanka known for? 6.Why is the soil in Indonesia not good for farming? 7.Why is Indonesia so tropical? 8.What natural disasters occur frequently in Japan? 9.Where are many farms created in the Philippines? 10.Why is Taiwan not part of Communist China?