CiSELT Module 6.1: EVP
1. Introduction v a n r t i g o a l t c a i n i n o Vocational training Did you receive training for a job? What job?When? Is it a good idea to start this training for youngsters when they are still at school?
By the end of this workshop participants will be able to: reflect on learners’ language needs in relation to their specialism review contexts, texts and situations from a vocational area assess the use of authentic materials consider ways of making the tasks as authentic as possible motivate the learners with variety, relevance and fun take the classroom into the real world and bring the real world into theclassroom. Learning Outcomes
EFL EAP ESP EVP ESOL 2. EVP English as a Foreign Language English for Academic Purposes English for Specific Purposes English for Vocational Purposes English for speakers of Other Languages
Spread of globalisation and increasing use of English as the language of international communication. An increasing number of learners are taught using approaches such as CLIL (content and language integrated learning). Learners are starting to learn, and therefore master, general English at a younger age, and so move to ESP at an earlier age. To help economic migrants obtain practical English skills necessary to function in the workplace. 2. Reasons
Language knowledge: dealing with enquiries; giving information; dealing with complaints; using appropriate register Communication skills: ability to analyse and practise customer service at each step of the interaction 3. Learners’ needs
The key questions that teachers teaching EVP should ask (Dudley- Evans, 2001: What do learners need to do with English? Which of the skills do they need to master and how well? Which genres do they need to master, either for comprehension or production purposes? 3. Learners’ needs
3. Learners’ needs summary
From the customer journey step 4 – checking in: What language would you expect to hear? 6. Learners’ needs
Watch the video and check your predictions. 6. Learners’ needs
group A pages 6-8 group B pages group C page 13 + worksheet 8. Material for Vocational training
How different is the material for teaching EVP and EFL/ESL? What advice would you give a teacher moving from teaching general English to EVP? Harding (2007) stresses that the general skills that a general English teacher uses, e.g. being communicative, using authentic materials and analysing English in a practical way are also applicable to ESP. Think about what is needed – not just follow an off-the-shelf coursebook Understand the nature of their learners’ subject area 9. Reflection
In most EVP situations, even if teachers are the ‘language and teaching experts’, their learners might know a lot more of the content than they do Work out their language needs in relation to their specialism Use contexts, texts and situations from their subject area Use authentic materials Make the tasks as authentic as possible Motivate the learners with variety, relevance and fun Take the classroom into the real world and bring the real world into the classroom 9. Reflection
Try out a new idea /activity from this workshop with one of your classes. Reflect on your lesson. Guidelines: Prepare materials. Write whole lesson plan. Teach the lesson. Write a reflection ( words). Attach lesson plan and materials used. Submit your completed assignment by 21 November Reflection Assignment