Creating A SMART Goal Mental Health Unit #2
What does SMART stand for? S = Specific M = Measurable A = Attainable R = Realistic T = Timely
Let’s take a look at a poorly written goal… I am going to improve my eating habits. Is it a specific goal? What part about eating does he/she want to improve? How could you write this goal and make it more specific?
Goal Evaluation (Cont.) Is this goal measurable? I am going to improve my eating habits. How would you measure the improvement? What part of a person’s diet could you measure? Can you write an eating goal that is measurable?
Is the goal as it is written attainable? Goal Evaluation (Cont.) I am going to improve my eating habits. Can you really improve every aspect of everything that you eat and be successful? How could you re-write this goal and make it challenging but attainable?
Is it realistic to think that you can entirely change your eating habits to be totally healthy all the time? Goal Evaluation (Cont.) I am going to improve my eating habits. Is this goal realistic? How much do you have to change what you are eating to show improvement? Can you re-write this goal to be realistic?
Is there any time limit on the above goal? Goal Evaluation (Cont.) I am going to improve my eating habits. After what amount of time would you consider the change a successful change? How could you re-write the above goal to be able to be measured over a period of time?
Writing a S-M-A-R-T GOAL I am going to improve my eating habits by eating breakfast at least 5 of the 7 days of the week for the next 2 months. What is specific about this goal? Is it measurable? How? Is this something that would be attainable? Is this realistic? Could an average person do this? Is this goal timely? What is the time limit?