Introduction: The term ‘balance of power’ represents one of the oldest concepts of International Relations. The importance of this concept is clear from the fact that prior to the contemporary investigations into the general theory of international relations the balance of power was accepted as the only tenable theory of international relations. It fully dominated the inter-state behavioral pattern for about four centuries from 15 th century to the 19 th century.
Definitions As professor Martin Wight say, “ the nation of the balance of power is notoriously full of confusions.”Similarly Inis L. Claude has observed: The trouble with the balance of power is not that it has no meaning, but that it has too many meanings.” Prof. Pollard by consulting a good dictionary concluded that the term could have several thousand possible meanings, as analysed word by word.
The Editors of Encyclopedia Britannica The Editors of Encyclopedia Britannica Balance of power, in international relations, the posture and policy of a nation or group of nations protecting itself against another nation or group of nations by matching its power against the power of the other side.
Techniques of the Balance of Power The Balance of power is not a gift of God nor an act of Nature. It is essentially a human contrivance for which the man has to work constantly. As the balance of power keeps on constantly changing and shifting the states have to make special efforts to preserve it. The following techniques help in the maintenance of the balance of power.
ALLIANCES AND COUNTER ALLIANCES Alliances are the most commonly applied technique for the preservation of the balance of power. It has been the traditional instrument to improve the power position of a state and to weaken that of another. During the inter-war period France concluded alliances with Czechoslovakia, Rumania, Yugoslavia, Poland and a number of countries chiefly to strengthen herself against possible German danger. Usually alliances are built up of the recognition of the common interest and are projected against a common enemy. The alliances usually disappear of break-up after the fulfillment of the objective. EX. Alliances generally lead to counter alliances. The triple alliance between Germany, Austro-Hungary and Italy led to the Triple Entente between Britain, France, and Russia.
Compensation and partition Generally the question of compensation and partition arises at the conclusion of the war. while making the redistribution of the territory care is taken that the redistribution does not unduly strengthen power, thereby upsetting the balance. This principle of redistribution of territories and partition was followed throughout the 18 th and the 19 th centuries. Poland was partitioned thrice during this period. The congress of Vienna (1815) also followed this principle.
The technique of compensation and partition could not be adopted in the Treaty of Versailes because president Wilson had publically repudiated the diplomacy of balance of power, yet it found its way into the Treaty of Versailes in an indirect manner.
Armament and Disarmament Armament is the best way to improve the relative power position of any state. This technique of increasing the power position is very old, though it became more prominent after 1870.Usually increase of arms by one state inspires the neighbor state to improve her armament. Like armament, disarmament can also destroy or restore the balance of power. But usually disarmament is restored to mainly on the defeated powers at the conclusion of the war. Germany was deprived of armaments and permitted to maintain the necessary forces essential for the preservation of law and order.
Divide and Rule The technique of divide and rule has also been adopted to keep the competitor weak and there by keep the balance of power. This technique was successfully applied by the Romans to maintain their control over scattered peoples. France also been following this technique since seventeenth century.
Buffer state Prof. Palmer and Perkings. Have observed “ The Buffer states are of great importance because of their cushioning effect between great powers.” Buffer state is a neutral zone between two or more states involved in the game of balance of power. It has cushioning effect, especially when it is located between two major powers. For Ex. Afghanistan served as a buffer state between Russia and the British Empire in India. poland served as a buffer state between Germany and Russia and Holland served as buffer states between France and Germany.
Intervention and War Intervention and war are two extreme technique of balance of power and are adopted as a matter of last resort. Intervention is a dictatorial interference in the affairs of another country to enforce some specific demands. This technique has been adopted for long and aims at changing power relationship or creating an imbalance. The purpose of intervention is to install a friendly government in power. EX. The Italian and German intervention in the spanish civil war in favour of General Franco, and the British intervention in Greece in 1944 are the outstanding examples of Intervention and war.