The origins of Delphi “Delphis” = “womb” Delphi thought to be the center (naval) of the world
According to Mythology… Zeus released two eagles –Flew around the world –Met at Delphi Where they met is the center of the earth! –Omphalos (naval) marks the spot –Delphi is the center of the world, and the omphalos is its naval
Remember the story of Cronos swallowing his children? Omphalos = the rock he swallowed in place of Zeus –Placed at Delphi for all to see Saturn Devouring one of his Sons Francisco de Goya y Lucientes ( )
Connection to Apollo Apollo’s symbol represents the “egg of creation.” Center of worship –Embodied moral discipline and spiritual clarity
The Story of Delphi Version 1
The Trick Gift of Prophecy Apollo searches for a site for an oracle –Telphusa = Pernassus
Bad idea! Dragon infestation! –Killed by Apollo Left its corpse to rot, naming it “Pytho” from the Greek “to rot” Corpse emitted the vapors that the oracle used to go into her transe Vengeance –Buried Telphusa Built shrine Took over oracle
The Story of Delphi Version 2
Death of the Python Apollo killed the Python who lived at Delphi and protected it –Sacred serpent = rebirth –Nine years penance Returned to the sacred site
Every good oracle needs a priest Cretan ship –Disguised as a dolphin, leaps on board –Apollo (yes, as a dolphin) steers the ship to Crisa Reveals himself –Makes them priests of the temple
What’s up with the Dolphin? “Delphis” = “dolphin” –Dolphin is a mammal, unlike other sea creatures
Bees Pythia – Delphic Bee –Oracle Arestius –First Greek Beekeeper –Sacrificed a bull to gods as penance –Returned to bull nine days later –Bees flew from carcass –Took them home
Superstitions Bees have power over death Kings in Greece made their tombs in the shape of bees “When a bee flies, souls will rise” –A person’s soul will be reborn if bees are around
Historic Background Most important oracle in Greece Responses given by the oracle –Festival to Apollo –Increased demands = year round –All matters, personal and political –All people, ordinary citizens, kings, governments, even non-Greeks
How did it work? Petitioner (someone seeking advice) –Submitted question –Gave offering (bribes?) Pythia (priestess of Apollo for life) –Ritual bath, sacrifice of a goat –Entered temple Sat on a tripod (with lid closed), set over opening in ground from which vapors rose Entered trance, muttered gibberish –Priests interpreted the readings and delivered to questioners in poetic form –Answers were famously vague and easily open to misinterpretation Easily claim to be right!
Mysteries Revealed
What did it look like? Agora (marketplace) –Shops –Places to purchase relics
Treasuries –Wealthy city-states built treasuries to demonstrate loyalty to the oracle –Displayed city’s wealth/power –Embassy, cultural center in a foreign land
Temple of Apollo –Centerpiece –Housed the omphalos –Oracle Sanctuary of Athena Pronaia –Temple comes before Apollo’s temple
Inscriptions Carved into the temple are three phrases: –“Know Thyself” –“Nothing in Excess” –“Make a Pledge and Mischief is Nigh” Attributed to the Seven Sages
Theater –Natural slope of the mountain for seating –Semi-circular orchestra –Wrapped seating
Stadium –Hosted Pythian Games Similar to Olympian Games –Stadium-length sprints, race in full armor, chariot races
Athletic Statues –Kleobis and Biton Two brothers, renowned for their strength Died at the height of their admiration
Balance Dionysus is given reign over Delphi during the fall and winter months –Some say the oracle left during these months Balance between Apollo and Dionysus