Using Value Set Groups in PHIN Vocabulary Access and Distribution and Access System (VADS), CDC, USA Sundak Ganesan, MD, Northrop Grumman-CDC; Nikolay Lipskiy, MD, DrPH, MBA-CDC Phoenix, AZ, 02/01-02/04/2010
Value Set Group (e.g. Public Health Case Reporting) Value Set Sub-Group (e.g. Tuberculosis Case Reporting) Value Set -1 (e.g. TB Risk Factors) Value Set – 2 (e.g. TB Lab Tests) Value Set – 3 (e.g. Birth Country) Code System Concept – 1 (e.g. USA) Code System Concept – 3 (e.g. U.S.S.R) Code System Concept – 2 (e.g. India) Value Set Sub-Group (e.g. Hepatitis Case Reporting) ISO Current Countries Code System (3166-1) ISO Retired Countries Code System (3166-3) CDC PHIN VADS has 500 value sets and there is a need to group and sub- group these value sets to support various implementations Relationship Between Various Vocabulary Objects
PHIN VADS Value Set Groups by Subject Category
PHIN VADS Value Set Groups by HL7 Implementation Guide (Views)
PHIN VADS Value Set Group Versioning Based on HL7 IG Versions
Types of OID’s Vocabulary OID’s – Code System OID – Value Set OID – ?? Value Set Group OID Non-Vocabulary OID’s – Facility or Organization identifier (e.g. Kaiser Permanente in Los Angeles, California) – Application Identifier (e.g. TIMS – TB System in Georgia) – CDA Template OID (e.g. Social History Section template in CDA IG) Note: OID’s are not used for concepts for which concept code from Code system are used (e.g. SNOMED Code)
Public OID Registries ISO OID Registry (root) ANSI – Need to pay to register OID’s HL7 OID Registry – All the code system OID’s need to be registered in HL7 OID registry. CDC PHIN OID Registry – CDC still registers the code system in HL7 OID registry – CDC mainly issues OID’s that are specific for public health except for code system. – CDC obtains code system OID from HL7 OID registry.
OID Tree (hierarchy) (Source:HL7 OID Registry –
Value Set Group IDs in PHIN VADS
Code System OIDs in PHIN VADS