People need to belong. What happens when we are rejected? It is very upsetting to be rejected. Remember, Jesus handled rejection.
Jesus was despised and rejected by men (Isa 53:3). He was “deeply despised, abhorred by the nation,” however, someday, “Kings shall see and arise; princes, and they shall prostrate themselves” (Isa 49:7).
A prophecy about Jesus’ suffering says, “But I am a worm and not a man, scorned by mankind and despised by the people” (Ps 22:6). Jesus said that He had to “suffer many things and be treated with contempt” (Mark 9:12).
Have you ever wondered why we prefer paintings from behind the cross?
Jesus was a Man of sorrows and pains and acquainted with grief and sickness.
How Do We Respond to Jesus’ Rejection? Would we have looked away from Him? Would we have esteemed Him when He was despised?
Sometimes, it is best not to look.
“He was in the world, and the world was made through Him, yet the world did not know Him. He came to His own, and His own people did not receive Him” (John 1:10, 11).
College student to his friend about his mom: “Ignore her, she’s just the maid.”
We esteemed Him stricken, smitten by God, and afflicted. Many scoff at His pain (cf. Ps 69:26).
He Suffered for Us Jesus took our griefs and carried our sorrows (Isa 53:4).
The bully said, “Sir, I will take his caning.”
In the evening after Jesus healed Peter’s mother-in-law, many brought their demon-possessed and sick to Jesus. He healed all the sick. Matthew explains, “This fulfilled the word of the Lord through Isaiah, who said, “He took our sicknesses and removed our diseases” (Matt 8:17).
Jesus was wounded and pierced for our transgressions (Isa 53:5) “He was handed over to die because of our sins, and he was raised up from the dead to make us right with God” (Rom 4:25).
Has anyone kept you from drowning?
Jesus was bruised and crushed for our iniquities; the chastisement of our peace was upon Him.
We are healed by Jesus’ stripes and wounds “He personally carried away our sins in his own body on the cross so we can be dead to sin and live for what is right. You have been healed by his wounds” (1 Pet 2:24).
Pharmacist's Mate First Class John H. Willis, USN, WWII, Medal of Honor ( ) On Feb. 28, 1945, Willis served as a Platoon Corpsman in the battle of Iwo Jima. While aiding fallen Marines during fierce action near Japanese-held Hill 362, he was wounded. Disregarding his injuries, Willis resumed caring for wounded Marines. The enemy attacked with hand grenades. After throwing eight grenades back at the enemy, he was killed when one exploded in his hand.
“He exposed Himself to death. He was counted among those who were sinners. He bore the sins of many and interceded for sinners” (Isa 53:12). Jesus bore our sins