Proud to be a farmer’s daughter – NO matter the limitations they face National AgrAbility Training Workshop March 31- April Presented by Vicki Janisch AgrAbility of Wisconsin
Session learning objectives Share personal experience of disabilities as a family member actively involved on a generational farm Discuss the importance of client services and how making a connection is vital Explain the importance of sharing stories and to include family members when the opportunity arises
It’s a Family Tradition 60 Cow registered Holstein Farm 6 years away from Centennial Farm Farm roles and responsibilities Actively involved in community
The health of a farmer Hypothetical Has annual health exams Follows the doctor’s orders Records early detection of pain and discomfort Routine healthy eating and exercise habits Try and keep a daily routine Actual Waits for a rainy day Can vary on the situation Toughs it out another day until the work is done Squeeze in meals when you can and manual labor is exercise WHAT ROUTINE?
The Diabetic “Dad” Farmer The warning signs Treatment Other health conditions involved Long term health, healing, expense and risks
Family Impact Roles and responsibility shift Stress and depression situations Communication obstacles Seeking outside help to facilitate needs
When AgrAbility got involved The enrollment process Working with the Wisconsin Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Accommodations provided Direct Impact
Personal experience can make a BIG impact on service Breaking the communication barrier Maintaining client confidentiality and integrity Ask the follow up questions Peer support for personal and professional growth LISTEN, listen, LISTEN!
Telling their story
Be the missing link Make connections Connect past and present consumers together Share client stories when appropriate Bring in family members when the opportunity presents itself
Vicki Janisch Contact Information: Office Number: (608) address: Mailing Address:AgrAbility of Wisconsin 460 Henry Mall Madison, WI Thank you!