The Psychological Approach in Practice Hamlet: The Oedipus Complex 浦妤 14 级文学研究生
Ernest Jones, The Hamlet and Oedipus. Argument on his delay in killing his uncle. Internal circumstances A hero’s unavailing fight against a disordered mind. Hamlet: The Oedipus Complex (1) A psychoneurotic—manic-depressive hysteria combined with abulia, who repressed his Oedipal feelings. Hamlet does not fulfill his duty until absolutely forced to do so by physical circumstances, even only after his mother’s death. (2)Strong misogyny. His attitude to Opehelia. His almost physical revulsion to sex. ( 性行为的生理反感 )
An Ambivalent Attitude to His Father ● The ghost(good/lovable father with whom the boy identifies),conscious ideal fatherhood. ● (III.iv)(p135) ● Claudius(the hated father as tyrant/rival) ● His view to him represents his hostility toward his father as a rival for his mother’s affection. ● A Symbolic perpetrator, the same as his unconscious motives (kill F/incest with M) ● Kill Claudius=kill himself ● Jones’ idea (incest and parricide)(p136) ● Norman N. Holland, summed up the reasons(p136)
Misogyny is the hatred or dislike of women or girls.(Wikipedia)sexual discrimination, belittling of women, violence against women.womengirls 1.His mother’s abnormally sensual affection for him caused his Oedipal neurosis. 2.His incestuous impulses are repressed, which influenced the attitude toward all the women. Misogyny ● His outburst against Ophelia expressed his bitter resentment against his mother ● Get thee to a nunnery. Get thy ways to a nunnery. Get thee to a nunnery. If thou dost marry, I’ll give thee this plague for thy dowry.(3.1) ● Nunnery( Elizabethan slang for brothel ) ● Two opposite pictures of his mother’s image (infantile unconscious effects) 1.A virginal Madonna (inaccessible) 2.A sensual creature(accessible) ● Sexual repression is highly pronounced, both of them are hostile. the pure one, indifferent the sensual one, guiltiness