S ENIOR I NFORMATION N IGHT Hosted by: Pinedale High Guidance Office
E VENING ’ S A GENDA Welcome from the Principal Fletcher Turcato College Information from Counselor Molly Mulcahy Senior Year Deadlines Jenifer Proud Cap and Gown Time – Herf/Jones Kim McJunkin
M AKE L IKE A B OY SCOUT ! Best to have a plan of action in place! Timeline of Events Deadlines! Deadlines! Deadlines! Applications Financial Aid Communication is Key Parents-Students Students-Teachers Families-Admissions Offices
O CTOBER —L AST C HANCE FOR F IRSTS Get a feel for college websites Student population: how many, who, from where Financial-Aid page Deadlines Groups you might want to be a part of Plan any last minute campus visits University of Wyoming 11/5-11/6 Take/Register to take the SAT or ACT October ACT open until 10/5 with late
N OVEMBER —A PPLICATIONS On-line vs. Paper, Application fees UW PHS Nov. 27 College Application Week: Oct. 31 – Nov. 2 Essay Check! Double-Check! Triple-Check Have Someone Else Check Recommendation Letters Letter or Recommendation Form Senior Portfolio Addressed Envelope if Required Transcript Request Form to Ms. Hopkins
D ECEMBER - G IVE Y OURSELF THE G IFT OF H ASSLE -F REE H OLIDAYS ! Finish applications before holidays! Call colleges to confirm receipt of application and supplemental materials. Financial Aid Workshop - Nov. 27 6:00 pm Begin to gather tax materials for FAFSA. Check grades on PowerSchool regularly.
J ANUARY —T HE F INAL P HASE LAST CALL FOR APPLICATIONS! Begin to complete FAFSA at Return to top two/three colleges for overnight visits/classroom visits. Overnight in residence hall. Visit buildings that house your possible majors. Understand classroom climate. Try virtual tours Communication is critical between parents and students at this point in the process.
F EBRUARY —W RAP -U P L OOSE E NDS ! Finish the FAFSA! Complete overnight visits. Check grades! No news might NOT be good news… Call Admissions’ offices to check on the status of an application. Transcripts, recommendations, scores get lost in the shuffle!
M ARCH —T HE F INAL C OUNTDOWN ! Acceptance letters should be rolling in! If you do not have an acceptance letter in hand by March, notify college advisor ASAP! Have a family meeting (or two) to discuss which school would be the best fit. Remember it’s all about the right fit! Create a pros/cons list to compare Look at financial aid packages Talk to current students and their parents Don’t forget that intangible X-factor
S CHOOL C OUNSELOR C ONTACT Molly Mulcahy (307) , ext Click on “High School” Click on “Senior Page” Click on “High School” Click on “Guidance”