+ Next Stop: High School Created By: Countdown to High School Presented By:
+ p. 6811/4/2010 High School Factors Letter Objective: SWBAT identify and prioritize the factors they should consider when choosing a high school. Do Now: You have $150 to buy a new pair of shoes. What factors do you take into consideration when deciding what shoes to buy? (5 minutes)
+ Factors… Style Comfort Popularity Price You would never buy a shoe without weighing the factors, shopping around, and trying a bunch on, right?? So why would you choose a high school without shopping around?
+ Go to this website:
+ 8 th Grade Isn’t Even Halfway Done Yet! So why are we already talking to you about high school? Complexity: The high school choice process in Boston is complicated, and you need support in figuring out how to choose a high school. Importance: High school matters. Where you attend high school may directly affect your academic success in high school, and your preparedness for college. Empowerment: YOU have the ability to investigate the high school options in Boston, and determine which will be the best fit. Don’t let someone ‘assign’ you to a school—make an educated decision!
+ High Schools in Boston Large, Comprehensive Public High Schools Large High Schools Broken into Small Learning Communities Exam Schools Pilot Schools Charter Schools Private and Parochial Schools
+ Investigating Types of Schools Step 1: go to Step 2: Click on “types of schools” Step 3: Read about each type of school, summarize what their advantages and disadvantages are, and rate whether you’d want to attend them or not. Step 4: Discuss advantages and disadvantages (15 minutes)
+ Large, Comprehensive Public High Schools Examples: Brighton, East Boston, English, Burke Advantages: Have many extra-curricular opportunities for students—sports, clubs, internships, etc. Offer a wider variety of courses. Disadvantages: Teachers have large numbers of students to keep track of; if your child is not a strong advocate for his/herself it is easy to get lost.
+ Large High Schools Broken into Small Learning Communities Examples: South Boston, West Roxbury, Hyde Park, Dorchester Advantages: There are 3-4 “schools within a school”, each with its own specific theme and staff. At some schools, the theme is strong, and evident in the school’s courses and programs. Disadvantages: Small schools sometimes lack the extracurricular opportunities that large schools offer
+ Exam Schools Examples: Boston Latin School, Boston Latin Academy, John D. O’Bryant School for Math and Science Advantages: College preparation, academic rigor, many resources Disadvantages: “You’re on your own” mentality—limited guidance and support available for struggling students.
+ Pilot High Schools Examples: Fenway, Boston Arts Academy, New Mission, BCLA Advantages: Small student population Strong focus on college preparation Disadvantages: Must complete an application to be considered for admission Lack some of the extracurriculars of larger high schools
+ Charter, Private, and Parochial Schools Examples: City on a Hill, MATCH, Winsor, North Cambridge Catholic, Catholic Memorial Advantages: Small student population Focus on college preparation Disadvantages: Can accept, reject, or expel students at will Do not always have appropriate services for ELL or Special Education students May charge a fee to attend (in private and parochial schools)
+ Factors to Consider When Choosing a High School Size Graduation Rate Location Theme Services Application Process Extra-Curriculars
+ Investigating Factors Step 1: go to Step 2: Click on “Factors to Consider” Step 3: Read about the factors you should consider when choosing a high school. Step 4: Summarize each factor, and say how important it is to you in making your decision. Step 5: Discuss Step 6: Reflect (20 minutes)
+ Factor 1: Size Small schools: 400 students or fewer Large schools: 800 students or more Small schools tend to have smaller classes, and more academic support. Large schools tend to have more extra- curricular activities, like sports, clubs, and internships. Which is most important to you?
+ Continuum Line yourselves up according to how important, or not important, this factor is to you. (1 minute)
+ Factor 2: Graduation Rate The 4-year graduation rate tells you what percentage of students graduate on time. The 4-year graduation rate also tells you whether students are passing or failing their classes, getting enough academic support, learning what they need to learn, etc. What are the graduation rates at the schools you are interested in?
+ Continuum Line yourselves up according to how important, or not important, this factor is to you. (1 minute)
+ Factor 3: Location Location can be important, but shouldn’t be the only factor you base your decision on. There are no buses in high school. Students are responsible for their transportation. You need your school to be located such that it is easy for you to get there on time! Depending on where you live, and where you choose to go to school, the travel time can be anywhere from 10 minutes (Ashmont to TechBoston) to 1.5 hours (Ashmont to Charlestown) How does location affect your decision about what school to attend?
+ Continuum Line yourselves up according to how important, or not important, this factor is to you. (1 minute)
+ Factor 4: Theme Most high schools have a theme that guides their teaching and learning. For example, if the theme is “health”, then they may have more health classes, internships, after-school programs, etc. Some schools have stronger themes than others, but if a theme interests you, you should definitely visit the school to see if the theme actually affects the everyday lives of students. What themes are most interesting to you?
+ Continuum Line yourselves up according to how important, or not important, this factor is to you. (1 minute)
+ Factor 5: Services It’s important to know whether a high school has the services necessary to best support your child. Consider the following support services when looking at high schools: special education (inclusion or pull-out model); English as a Second Language; socio-emotional, college, and career counseling. What types of services will you need to be successful in high school?
+ Continuum Line yourselves up according to how important, or not important, this factor is to you. (1 minute)
+ Factor 6: Application Process Most schools just require that you rank them 1 st on your school registration form (comes out in January, and must be filled out and returned during that month). Some schools have applications, essays, teacher recommendations, and interviews. Are you willing to fill out applications in order to attend the high school of your choice? If so, you need to start now!
+ Continuum Line yourselves up according to how important, or not important, this factor is to you. (1 minute)
+ Factor 7: Extra-curriculars Extra-curriculars are the activities available to students after school, and over the summer. These include sports, clubs, internships, travel experiences, etc. How important are extra-curriculars to you? Which extra-curriculars do you want to have at your high school?
+ Continuum Line yourselves up according to how important, or not important, this factor is to you. (1 minute)
+ Other Factors to Consider Start and end time for the school day Percentage of students passing MCAS in 10 th grade Average student score on the SAT Percentage of students going to college Percentage of students STAYING in college after the 1 st year When you visit schools, ask these questions if they are things you want to know about!
+ Show What You Know Of the factors you learned about today, which ones are most important to YOU in choosing a high school? Why do these factors matter to you?
+ Homework P. 68-Letter to a friend about the important factors you need to think about when choosing a high school!