Outline Process of Science Verification Obtaining Science Verification Data Products The Orion Science Verification Data WF08: THE DISTRIBUTION OF ASTRONOMICAL ALDEHYDES WG11 & WF13 – would benefit? Getting Help 2
Science Verification: Process The process by which ALMA demonstrates that it is capable of producing data of the required quality fully demonstrates all observing modes expected to be available during Early Science Part of Extension and Optimization of Capabilities (EOC) - formerly CSV Targets are announced on the ALMA Science Portal prior to observation, and an up-to-date list is maintained Where possible verify results against those already obtained with other telescopes Verification against existing observations becomes more difficult as capabilities enter new parameter space. We have moved more to the demonstration of new capabilities instead of verification. 3
Science Verification: Process SV data released so far used ~ 7 – 20 antennas (50 12-m antennas currently at AOS); process ongoing Data reduced by ARCs and JAO, coordinated by C. Vlahakis The reduced and calibrated data products are made available to the community for download: raw data data reduction scripts or CASA guide calibrated data cube, images In addition, test data may be taken that is similar in purpose to Science Verification but where there is no opportunity to go through the standard process of announcing SV targets in advance e.g. targets of opportunity such as comets or transients needed to test specific capabilities Release of all SV/Test data will be announced on ALMA Science Portal in advance 4
5 Using the ALMA Test Data: Test observation of HCN toward Comet Lemmon in Band 6 Band 6 - correlator setup for HCN(3-2), HCO+ 15 minutes on source integration time Only HCN detected, no other line emission Demonstrated ALMA can do routine comet observations interferometrically ALMA can easily detect these lines in cometary objects
Science Verification: Obtaining SV Data Products All SV data products are available at the ALMA Science Portal ( 3/23/20146
7 Opening the full Orion Band 6 data will give you something like the following: Orion Band 6 - Full frequency coverage from 214 – 246 GHz Where do we start??? Taken at a single PIXEL and there are 1024x1024 PIXELS In total, over spectral channels were observed over the 30 GHz of bandwidth Over 4000 lines above 5
8 Using the ALMA Orion SV Data : An analysis of a preliminary ALMA Orion KL spectrum via the use of complete experimental spectra from the laboratory. (Fortman et al. 2012) The results of the ALMA data compared to a laboratory prediction using the Complete Experimental Spectrum (CES) method outlined by Fortman et al. (2012). These results show not only a new way to identify previously unidentified spectral features based on laboratory spectroscopy to astronomical observations but also gives new insights into the molecular complexity of regions such as Orion see:
9 Using the ALMA Orion SV Data: Acetone in Orion BN/KL. High-resolution maps of a special oxygen-bearing molecule (Peng et al. 2013) Three-dimensional view (RA, Dec, and VLSR) of C 2 H 5 CN (red), (CH 3 ) 2 CO (green), and HCOOCH 3 (blue) distributions in Orion BN/KL. The overall distribution of acetone in BN/KL is similar to that of N-bearing molecules. Because the N-bearing molecules may be associated with shocked gas in Orion BN/KL, this suggests that the formation and/or destruction of acetone may involve ammonia or large N-bearing molecules in a shocked-gas environment.
10 Using the ALMA Orion SV Data: HERSCHEL OBSERVATIONS OF EXTRAORDINARY SOURCES: ANALYSIS OF THE HIFI 1.2 THz WIDE SPECTRAL SURVEY TOWARD ORION KL. I. METHODS (Crockett et al. 2014) Used the ALMA band 6 line survey to investigate the spatial distribution of a subset of molecules detected toward selected regions in Orion Integrated intensity maps obtained from lines in the ALMA-SV data set plotted as a color scale. Can spatially resolve structure by mapping the distribution instead of inferring the position through the velocity of the spectrum.
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