과거완료 의문사 +to 부정사
came back as I had promised. in 2001 to Sudan I
I came back to Sudan in 2001 as I had promised.
filled the city B e a u t i f u l m u s i c where they had heard only the sound of guns.
Beautiful music filled the city where they had heard only the sound of guns.
I arrived at the bus stop, had When the bus already left.
When I arrived at the bus stop, the bus had already left.
kn ow what to do so I didn’t I ra n with them from them.
I didn’t know what to do with them so I ran from them.
I how to play the musical instruments. taug ht the m
I taught them how to play the musical instruments.
t o s e e w h a t w o n d e r i n g S h e i n C h i n a. i s
She is wondering what to see in China.