What is JISP? The Community for the Practitioner The Voice of the Practitioner FREE
Mission To provide leadership to the community of Justice Information Sharing Practitioners in order to enhance the sharing of information across all levels of government.
Member Benefits Participate in online forums. Share innovations and challenges Find peers in the National Practitioner Directory.
Member Benefits (cont.) Access templates, examples and key documents. Discover training and TA opportunities Contribute to practitioner positions at the national level.
2009 BJA Grant “Increase Knowledge of National Standards and Models for JIS” Host webinars Host webinars Maintain website Maintain website Increase awareness: national policy and standards information Increase awareness: national policy and standards information Provide input into federal and national justice information sharing organizations Provide input into federal and national justice information sharing organizations Convene focus groups Convene focus groups
To join, just go to More questions or suggestions? Contact Tammy Woodhams at or