Project „GreenAgri“ Environmentally-friendly Management of Organic Fertilizers in Agriculture Roomet Sõrmus, Chairman of the Board Estonian Chamber of Agriculture and Commerce Jelgava,
Reduced nutrient losses from agriculture in Baltic States through introducing and testing innovative and efficient practices in management of organic fertilizers Project „GreenAgri“ is first joint effort of Estonian and Latvian farmer organizations supporting the improvement of the Baltic Sea environmental status The skills and knowledge of ca 300 farmers from two countries will be improved in the field of environmentally- friendly management of organic fertilizers Project goals
Implementation of pilot programme for testing innovative methods and technology in 20 pilot farms in close co-operation of agri-environmental experts Conducting comparative survey of technology available in Baltic Sea Region and economical analysis of new regulations Organizing training programme, demo days, study visits, info seminars and conferences for farmers and rural advisers Regular workshops with governmental organizations and R&D organizations Project period: 48 months, Partners: Estonian Chamber of Agriculture and Commerce and Latvian Farmers Parliament Budget: EUR Project is part-financed by ERDF using the support of Central Baltic Programme Main activities and budget