Wake-up 1.Examine the gel to the right. What do the bands represent? 2.Which fragment is the longest, A or B? Explain. 3.Which fragment is the shortest, A or B? Explain. 4.Who is guilty of the crime? A B
Wake-up 1.Explain the purpose of the Paper Plasmid activity from yesterday.
Stem Cells Christopherson Watch in presentation mode
Cell Basic unit of life within living organisms
Review Cells: Eukaryotic Animal Cell Plant Cell
Cell Differentiation A cell becomes specialized to perform a specific function.
How does Differentiation occur? Genes inside of an embryo are expressed and determine the type of cell that develops.
Muscle CellsMuscle Cells: Watch the video and describe their shape
Muscle Cell Function Stretches and contracts like a rubber band; allows muscles to contract and retract
Common Object Most Similar To.. Rubber Band
Red Blood CellsRed Blood Cells: Watch the video and describe their shape and movement.
RBC Function Transports oxygen throughout organisms; Shape allows for more surface area for oxygen attachment
Common Object Most Similar To.. Oxygen Tank
White Blood Cells: Watch the video and describe their shape and movement.
WBC Function Bodies “army”; recognizes foreign objects and destroys them.
Common Object Most Similar To.. Army
Nerve CellsNerve Cells: Describe their shape
Nerve Cell Function Conducts messages throughout organisms
Common Object Most Similar To.. Electric powerline
Cellular Organization
What does this have to do with Biology???
A Stem Cell Story Video: 0:55-2:30
What are stem cells? Cells from which all other cells with specialized functions are generated
Specialized Cells Have been differentiated: Each cell has a different function
How are Stem Cells different from other cells? 1. Unspecialized cells that can constantly renew themselves through cell division
2. Can become specialized cells with specific functions How are Stem Cells different from other cells?
Two types: Adult Stem Cells Undifferentiated cells found in certain tissues and organs; function is to maintain and repair the tissue where they are found.
A Stem Cell Story Video: 2:30 – 6:55
Two types: Embryonic Stem Cells Undifferentiated cells found in embryos that developed from eggs that have been fertilized artificially in a lab Donated for research.
A group of cells in early development of mammals which form the embryo Blastocyst
Adult Stem Cells vs. Embryonic Stem Cells Embryonic stem cells have the ability to develop into almost every type of cell in the human body Adult stem cells may only develop into a limited number of cell types.
A Stem Cell Story Video: 6:55-10:00
Wake-up 1.What is meant by specialized/differentiated cells? 2.What is a stem cell?
Why do we care about stem cells? Increase an understanding of how diseases occur if have “sick” cells, can watch them mature to see what occurs.
Why do we care about stem cells? Generate healthy cells to replace diseased cells
Why do we care about stem cells? Test new drugs Instead of testing on living organisms, tests can be performed on specific cells generated by stem cells
A Stem Cell Story Video: Finish
Stem Cell Controversy Start 10:32
Wake-up 1.What is meant by specialized/differentiated cells? 2.Provide two examples of specialized cells.
Wake-up 1.Explain the difference between embryonic stem cells and adult stem cells. 2.Why are embryonic stem cells so controversial?