Developed by a team headed by: Assoc. prof. Hristo Krachunov, PhD "International Association Sustainable Development" (IASD) - Varna project: "ESTABLISHMENT OF PARTNER NETWORK FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION (SDEP) IN THE NORTH EAST PLANNING REGION"
The project aims to develop an informational–consult system for monitoring and sustainable development of frontier and rural areas in the northeast planning region. It will provide to managers in small and medium enterprises and municipal structures ready qualitatively and quantitatively informed decisions on issues related to environmental protection and sustainable development. The information system will be developed based on the principles of coordinated optimization. The project aims to contribute to the prevention and minimization of the harmful environmental impact of activities in the industrial enterprises and municipalities, as well as to improve the social, economic and environmental conditions in Bulgaria. "International Association Sustainable Development" (IASD) - Varna project: "ESTABLISHMENT OF PARTNER NETWORK FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION (SDEP) IN THE NORTH EAST PLANNING REGION"
The development of the system will go through the following three stages: І stage: Review and analysis of legislative and regulatory framework for sustainable development of frontier and rural areas, conducting survey (qualitative and quantitative) about the conditions and the need for deployment of the developed product, processing and analysis of the survey results. ІІ stage: Developing an informational-consul system for monitoring and sustainable development of frontier and rural areas. ІІІ stage: Experimental implementation of the developed information system in concrete different types of representatives. STAGES OF THE PROJECT "International Association Sustainable Development" (IASD) - Varna project: "ESTABLISHMENT OF PARTNER NETWORK FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION (SDEP) IN THE NORTH EAST PLANNING REGION"
Deadlines (duration of the project stages): The total duration of the project will be three years, each of the stages of work will last for 12 months. Fields of application: The develop information product as an information technology and system for sustainable development and environmental protection will be applicable in any small or medium-sized enterprise and municipal structure in each region of the country. Innovative aspects: The information system is an alternative to traditional consulting services in the field of environmental protection and sustainable development. There is no other model of information system for sustainable development, developed on the basis of the principles of coordinated optimization, which is applicable in the terms of Bulgaria. "International Association Sustainable Development" (IASD) - Varna project: "ESTABLISHMENT OF PARTNER NETWORK FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION (SDEP) IN THE NORTH EAST PLANNING REGION"
Potential users of the information system for monitoring and sustainable development are small and medium-sized industrial enterprises, municipal and regional structures in the country. With the implementation of the proposed information system they will be able to minimize the harmful impacts on the environment and human health, ability to manage the risk of failure to comply with the national environmental legislation, economic benefit (cost savings from effective management of resources and waste), favorable opportunities for marketing and raising the qualification of staff. All this will increase the competitiveness of enterprises and municipalities, system users. Market application of the project "International Association Sustainable Development" (IASD) - Varna project: "ESTABLISHMENT OF PARTNER NETWORK FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION (SDEP) IN THE NORTH EAST PLANNING REGION"
The main problem, which the project aims to solve is the lack of proper methodology and appropriate software and information support in the planning and implementation of sustainable development of frontier and rural areas in Bulgaria. The problem is especially relevant in terms of SMEs and rural areas and municipalities, that are prevalent in the country. In terms of project implementation, problems may arise in the implementation of communication with some of the companies and municipalities, when conducting survey, in obtaining the necessary data for the information model (potential failure of institutions to provide information), at origination of cooperation between different organizations (the model is developed based on coherent optimization) and others. Problems "International Association Sustainable Development" (IASD) - Varna project: "ESTABLISHMENT OF PARTNER NETWORK FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION (SDEP) IN THE NORTH EAST PLANNING REGION"
∙ Expected results of the project and the influence on the target groups of its realization: Create a new product; Ready to deploy product. ∙ Current status of the project: Preliminary design. ∙ Intellectual property rights (if any): Copyright in the form of publications in Bulgarian and foreign editions. "International Association Sustainable Development" (IASD) - Varna project: "ESTABLISHMENT OF PARTNER NETWORK FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION (SDEP) IN THE NORTH EAST PLANNING REGION"
Project stages and deadlines for their implementation: The development of the system will go through the following three steps: І stage: Review and analysis of legislative and regulatory framework for sustainable development of frontier and rural areas, conducting survey (qualitative and quantitative) about the conditions and the need for deployment of the developed product, processing and analysis of the survey results. Deadline for implementation: one year after the project launch. ІІ stage: Developing an informational-consul system for monitoring and sustainable development of frontier and rural areas. Deadline for implementation: two years after the project launch. ІІІ stage: Experimental implementation of the developed information system in concrete different types of representatives. Deadline for implementation: three years after the project launch. "International Association Sustainable Development" (IASD) - Varna project: "ESTABLISHMENT OF PARTNER NETWORK FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION (SDEP) IN THE NORTH EAST PLANNING REGION"
Tasks related to the implementation of the various stages of the project: Tasks related to the implementation of Stage I: Task 1: forming a team to work on the project, distribution of tasks and responsibilities among team members, fixing the time limits for completion of tasks and expected results; Task 2: research and analysis on the global, European and national legislative and regulatory framework for sustainable development of rural and frontier areas; Task 3: survey on the conditions (opportunities and barriers) and the need for implementation of the developed product in the relevant market segments - small and medium enterprises and municipal administrations; processing the data of the study and analysis of the results; Task 4: collecting and processing the necessary information to form a database, on which will be create information model for sustainable development; Task 5: consultation with experts and professionals working in the field of environmental protection, sustainable development and modeling in order to agree and specify the parameters, variable parameters and criteria for optimality of the future information model. "International Association Sustainable Development" (IASD) - Varna project: "ESTABLISHMENT OF PARTNER NETWORK FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION (SDEP) IN THE NORTH EAST PLANNING REGION"
Tasks related to the implementation of the various stages of the project: Tasks related to the implementation of Stage IІ: Task 1: develop a flowchart of a summary information model of the system for monitoring and sustainable development; Task 2: determining the input-output information flows and points for monitoring of specific parameters for each of the possible types of objects of application of the information system; Task 3: develop a database necessary for customizing the summary information model to the conditions of each type of industries and types of municipalities depending on the type of the target regions, to which they belong [3]; Task 4: development of types information models for each of the possible types of application objects. "International Association Sustainable Development" (IASD) - Varna project: "ESTABLISHMENT OF PARTNER NETWORK FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION (SDEP) IN THE NORTH EAST PLANNING REGION"
Tasks related to the implementation of the various stages of the project: Tasks related to the implementation of Stage ІІІ: Task 1: testing of the types information models with real data from the conducted surveys; Task 2: creating software on the developed ICS by award of the task for implementing to the specialists in programming; Task 3: experimental implementation of the system in selected types of representatives; Task 4: clarification and correction of the system in case of eventual discrepancies between experimental data and output data from the model; Task 5: elaboration of guidelines for deployment and operational work with the types of information models in their respective areas of application; Task 6: preparing training materials for employees - future operators of the system; Task 7: analysis of the results of the project and evaluate the impact of the developed innovative product on the environmental, economic and social situation in the country. "International Association Sustainable Development" (IASD) - Varna project: "ESTABLISHMENT OF PARTNER NETWORK FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION (SDEP) IN THE NORTH EAST PLANNING REGION"
In Table 1 are published results achieved during the development of the project by quarter. It is not compulsory single stage to has 3 quarters, as in the example table, it is possible that their number is smaller or larger. Table 1. Results by quarter: StageQuarterlyResults: technical, financial, marketing and other. Stage 1 IReview and analysis of the national legislative and regulatory framework for sustainable development of border areas IIReview and analysis of the national legislative and regulatory framework for sustainable development of rural and frontier areas IIIFormulated questionnaires for survey in the relevant regions ІVCompleted questionnaires from the survey on the conditions and the need for deployment of the developed product Stage 2 VDeveloped a flowchart of a summary information model of the system for monitoring and sustainable development VІAccumulated primary information and defined an input-output information flows for the system VІІCreated databases necessary for customizing of the model to the conditions of each of the types of enterprises and municipalities VІІІDeveloped types information models, for each of the possible types of application objects Stage 3 ІХConducted tests of the types of information models with real data from surveys ХMade software on the informational -consult system for sustainable development ХІConducted an experimental implementation of the system in selected types of representatives ХІІDeveloped an instructions for implementation and operational work with the types of information models. Prepared training materials for employees for operational work with the system. Report on the results of the project realization. "International Association Sustainable Development" (IASD) - Varna project: "ESTABLISHMENT OF PARTNER NETWORK FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION (SDEP) IN THE NORTH EAST PLANNING REGION"
∙ Current financial status of the project (considering already realized stages, if any): Far has conducted a feasibility study and preliminary design partially developed. There have been literature review and analysis of the topic, as well as scientific publications according to the attached lists. ∙ Financial plan for the project realization at various stages, including own contribution and external funding: Table 2. Financial resources StagesResources OwnBorrowings Stage euro2000 euro Stage euro3000 euro Stage euro5000 euro "International Association Sustainable Development" (IASD) - Varna project: "ESTABLISHMENT OF PARTNER NETWORK FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION (SDEP) IN THE NORTH EAST PLANNING REGION"
∙ Preliminary estimates of revenues, expenses and cash flows: Forecasts for revenues, expenses and cash flows from the sale of the information system can be given after its final development and experimental implementation. For now can be given only estimated costs, with which will be associated deployment of the product in enterprises or municipal structures. Costs for the system users will be: Purchase cost of the system euros. Costs of technical support / hardware / euros. Training costs of employees and leading staff euros. Current cost of consumables euros per yaer. If there is need to establishment new indicators and construction of new monitoring locations euro per point or indicator. Provides organizations to restore the investment for a period of one to three years of the system implementation. "International Association Sustainable Development" (IASD) - Varna project: "ESTABLISHMENT OF PARTNER NETWORK FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION (SDEP) IN THE NORTH EAST PLANNING REGION"
The problem for the sustainable development of rural and frontier areas is current on a regional, national and global scale. It is linked to the requirements of a number of international treaties, conventions and agreements. The trend is the requirements of the national legislation in terms of environmental protection and sustainable development of industry, agriculture, tourism to become more stringent. At the same time increasingly focusing on the need to enhance the competitiveness of the Bulgarian economy, which largely depends on the parameters of sustainable development, such as energy efficiency, deployment of green technologies in production, the amount of pollutants emitted into the atmosphere, rational management of waste, saving raw materials and others. Therefore it can be considered that for the development product there are favorable opportunities for realization on the Bulgarian market, since the purpose of its development and implementation is precisely the achievement of optimal values of these parameters. "International Association Sustainable Development" (IASD) - Varna project: "ESTABLISHMENT OF PARTNER NETWORK FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION (SDEP) IN THE NORTH EAST PLANNING REGION"
Potential users of the information system for monitoring and sustainable development are small and medium-sized industrial enterprises, municipal structures in the country and some NGOs and civic associations. "International Association Sustainable Development" (IASD) - Varna project: "ESTABLISHMENT OF PARTNER NETWORK FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION (SDEP) IN THE NORTH EAST PLANNING REGION"