New Deal IN Georgia
(Opposition) Governor Eugene Talmadge did not support many parts of the New Deal - called it a threat to “Georgia’s way of life” 1. Opposed to minimum wage - Hurt small private businesses - Threaten white supremacy 2. Vetoed social security retirement benefits 3. Vetoed unemployment insurance
( Opposition) 4. Called President Roosevelt a Socialist 5. Planned to challenge Roosevelt for the Presidency in the 1946 election because term limits prevented him from running for governor again
(Support) Many Georgians welcomed the help the New Deal provided Roosevelt was special to many Georgians -He visited Warm Springs, Georgia for polio treatment - Established his “Little White House” in Warm Springs
(Support) 1936 elections Georgians choose: Roosevelt for President Richard B. Russell for U.S. Senator Eurith D. (E.D.) Rivers for Governor Rivers supported: the New Deal Healthcare and welfare programs for rural Georgians
(Support) Better education - 7 month school year and free textbooks for students State highway patrol Required driver’s licenses First 4-lane highway