Are We Any Closer This Time? Lessons from the Century-Long Struggle for Health Care Reform May 19, 2009 Theodore M. Brown Professor of History, Community and Preventive Medicine, and Medical Humanities at the University of Rochester
Isaac Max Rubinow, MD. Journal of Political Economy. 1904; 12: “Labor Insurance”
Copyright ©2003 American Public Health Association Progressive Party Convention in Chicago, 1912
“What Is the Matter with the Medical Profession?” James P. Warbasse, MD. Long Island Journal of Medicine. 1912; 6:
American Journal of Public Health, (4): 374. President Coolidge's remarks to the heads of the Executive Departments on Jan. 22, 1924
TWO MORE YEARS FOR THE SHEPPARD-TOWNER LAW Am J Public Health, Mar 1927; 17: 257.
Charles - Edward A. Winslow
The habit of condemning any attempt at intelligent community action by labeling it as "socialistic" and "bureaucratic" is for example unworthy of serious- minded men. Some things are better done by the individual, some better by the state; and catchwords will not help us to determine to which class a given activity belong…..
….Whether we like it or not, however, the tendency of the times makes it clear that some form, or forms, of organized community medical service are coming, as surely as the sun will rise tomorrow. While we hesitate and consider, the thing is happening all around us. If we place our heads in the sand like the ostrich, or if we emulate King Canute and order back the tides the inevitable will still occur. C-EA Winslow. Public Health at the Crossroads. Am Journal of Public Health (11):1075
Senator Robert Wagner President Roosevelt Signing the Social Security Act of 1935 with Robert Wagner and other members of the Cabinet
Isidore Sydney Falk
Copyright ©2002 American Public Health Association Oscar Ewing (right) presents the Truman Administration’s National Health Bill at the 1949 Convention of the American Federation of Labor.
A senior citizens’ rally for Medicare, Madison Square Garden, May 20, 1962
Copyright ©2003 American Public Health Association
Canada care costs LESS
Crazy Quilt