By: Emily, Molly, Anna Carroll, and Tate
First Floor Second Floor
Our Principal
Glenn Theodore Seaborg is a famous GT teacher and scientist inspired us with all the amazing things he did and won. Like being part of the involvement in the synthesis, discovery and investigation of ten transuranium elements earned him a share of the 1951 Nobel Price in Chemistry. He was born April 19, 1912 and died February 25, His son is named David Seaborg and His wife was named Helen L. Seaborg
Our school is environmental friendly and energy conserving because we try our hardest to minimize the amount of pollution. Some ways that we do that are; using solar panels instead of oils and other things harmful to the area, using a sunroof (so we don’t need to use as many artificial lights), and using rain barrels (so we can recycle water). One more important way we can keep the environment healthy is to keep the area clean. We reserve every Friday for a community service project. Some of those projects are cleaning up around the school. So, if each student picks up at least one piece of trash, we can have a much cleaner environment. And by the way, we are LEED certified !
Our vision statement is, ”If you believe you can achieve”. We chose that as our vision statement because we think that if anyone can think of something to do, they can do it, or achieve it. Our mission statement is that at Seaborg we want the kids to enjoy learning about the ocean and it’s organisms that live in it. We want each student learn successfully and achieve many great things. We chose this as our mission statement, because that is what we strive to do. We want to help the kids learn about the ocean and ocean life, but have fun and be successful.
Our school is approximately 119,720 square feel. With the 1 st level being square feet and the 2 nd level being 38,680 square feet. Our school has many high- tech features including very fast computers. A security system where the students may scan their finger to print and enter the school, and Studiers 9000 ( a device that can help students study).
Our school is for Gifted and Talented students only, so they may learn with children at their level. We also have some physical special features in our future school. We have an Olympic sized swimming pool, and aquarium where the students can learn different types of fish, an indoor playground so the children can get their exercise even when the weather is bad, and a pond so the students may see the natural habitat of the fish. (No fishing allowed).
First we needed a floor plan. So we got a huge piece of graph paper and started to plan. We kept developing our floor plan, draft by draft. We started with a one level school, but after we went over the dimensions, we decided we needed a second floor. By creating a second floor, we were able to make the classrooms bigger and provide an indoor playground and pool. After many changes, we came up with a two story school with 30 by 40 ft. classrooms, with three classrooms per grade level. After we had mad many changes to the floor plans, we needed to create a 3- D model. To do that, we placed down a sheet of cardboard. The we sketched the shape from the floor plans and cut out the shape in the cardboard. We did that to both levels the glued the two levels together having the ramps match up. After we let that dry, we glued the building to a big sheet of cardboard covered in green paper. We decided to add landscape. To make trees, we took a small piece of cardboard and glued it to a pompom ball. We made pond by cutting a blue piece of paper into the circle and gluing little lily pads toe the pond We created a playground with many various items, for example, we made teeter-totters by gluing a piece of plastic to a small ball of aluminum foil and a swing set with a piece of cardboard and pipe cleaners.
On a regular day, we have school from 8:00 to 3:00 Monday thru Thursday (Friday is dedicated to community service {9:00 to 2:00}). They arrive at school and go straight to their classrooms to get on their tablet (either to read, study, or play an educational game). They will do some class work and then eventually go to specials, lunch, and recess (depending on grade level schedule). Some grades will have switch teachers and some will not. After a hard, but fun day of school work, they will be dismissed at 3:00.
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