Earnings and Labour Market Information – ONS Sources David McPhee
Two Main Sources Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings (ASHE) - Annual survey of employers carried out in April each year Labour Force Survey (LFS) – Continuous household survey
ASHE Employer survey covering approximately 0.8% of all employee jobs (previously 1%) Basic characteristics of employees available such as age, gender, occupation, industry ft/pt split Detailed information on earnings including basic pay, overtime pay, bonus pay, incentive pay etc.
ASHE Data readily available at Local Authority level Possible to create other geographies using microdata Also possible to look at ad hoc groups using microdata Some (long term) plans to collect qualifications data from employers
LFS/APS Continuous household survey since 1992 SG fund a boost to the sample to make the sample size 23,000 households a year LFS contains data on economic activity, family background, occupation, industry, earnings, health issues, qualifications, benefits etc.
LFS/APS Earnings information not considered as accurate as ASHE Allows interesting analysis of earnings by other characteristics Able to create ad hoc geographies and groups using microdata
Access to data National Statistics Website – Scottish Government website – NOMIS – Labour Market statistics branch: labour-
Questions How closely linked do you see labour market statistics and poverty statistics? Can the ASHE be used to inform more detailed geographic poverty statistics? Can a combination of LFS and ASHE data help to inform poverty issues? What geographic levels are most important? Are there standard outputs from the LFS and ASHE that should be regularly published?