The Childhood of Leonardo da Vinci By Eleynah Perez
When and Where was da Vinci born? Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci was born on April 15, 1452, “at the third hour of the night.” He was born in the small village of Vinci, between the Tuscan cities of Pistoia and Empoli. He was the illegitimate son of Ser Piero Fruosini di Antonio da Vinci, a Florentine legal notary, and a peasant woman named Caterina.
What Happened to His Parents After His Birth? After Leonardo was born, his father was convinced to marry into a wealthier family. His mother was married off to a cowherd, since she was only a peasant woman.
How Were His First Five Years of Life? For Leonardo’s first five years of live, he lived with his mother in the hamlet of Anchiano. Little is known about his early life, though. They say he was living miserably, being teased by his later arriving legitimate half-brothers.
Where Did Leonardo Go After His Mother’s House? In 1457, Leonardo was baptized and accepted into his father’s side of the family. He lived with his father, grandparents, and uncle Francesco, in the small town of Vinci. His father’s young wife Albiera was also with them. She loved Leonardo but died early. By the time his father had his third wife, he could have legitimate children. By this time, though, Leonardo was 24, and illegitimate and legitimate children were raised together.
Did Leonardo Have Talents During His Childhood? At an early age, Leonardo showed extraordinary talent. He was quick at music and learning to play the lyre, and he could also sing beautifully. He was strong in the area of mathematics, and could also be found sketching plants and animals. He had also recalled two childhood incidents. One of them he declared an omen. It was when a kite, a type of bird, dropped from the sky and flew over his cradle, its tail feathers brushing his face.
The End of da Vinci’s Childhood As you can clearly tell, Leonardo’s childhood was very different from anyone else’s. He wasn’t treated very fairly, or kindly. But, he grew up to be one of the most famous and genius people ever, anyway.
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