BOK pg. 54 : DO NOW- 1. What is a crusade? Define 2. Who fought in the Crusades?
Why was Constantinople so important geographically?
Jerusalem Jerusalem is here. There is fighting between Palestinian Muslims & Jews For this territory. Middle East
What Happened? Christians saw Muslims as “infidels” “Infidel” is someone who doesn’t share your religious belief. Muslims saw Christians as infidels, too Muslims saw Christians as infidels, too.
ENDED FEUDALISM Many serfs died, others did not return to Europe. Kings gained more power because many Nobles died.
INCREASED TRADE Crusaders wanted the goods (spices, new foods and products) found in the Middle East. Creation of new trade routes. Many merchant became rich. Money and banks became important in Europe.
CITIES BECAME IMPORTANT The trade route to the East went through the Mediterranean Sea. New cities were established along the trade routes and became very rich. Examples are Genoa and Venice, both in Italy.
TECHNOLOGICAL ADVANCES Merchants brought back Muslim discoveries such as the compass, algebra, new ways to build ships and new ideas in medicine.
The CrusadesResults of the Crusades on Europe Growth of Cities Ended Feudalism Increased Trade T echnological Advances The CrusadesResults of the Crusades on Europe Growth of Cities Ended Feudalism Increased Trade T echnological Advances Ended Feudalism Kings gained more power Increased Trade Crusaders wanted the goods (spices, new foods and products) found in the Middle East. Creation of new trade routes. Growth of Cities (Cities Became Important) trade route to the East went through the Mediterranean Sea. New cities established along trade routes Technological Advancements Merchants brought back Muslim discoveries compass, algebra, new ways to build ships and new ideas in medicine. Ended Feudalism Kings gained more power Increased Trade Crusaders wanted the goods (spices, new foods and products) found in the Middle East. Creation of new trade routes. Growth of Cities (Cities Became Important) trade route to the East went through the Mediterranean Sea. New cities established along trade routes Technological Advancements Merchants brought back Muslim discoveries compass, algebra, new ways to build ships and new ideas in medicine.
The four ways in which the Crusades changed Europe are _________________, ______________, _______________, and _______________.
Results of the Crusades Failure to win back the Holy Land. Decline of Pope’s prestige & feudalism. Interest in other places ideas, and cultures.
Responses: 2. If you lives in Europe during the 13 th century ( ), how would the results of the Crusades have changed your life?
Responses: 3. Cultural diffusion means that ideas and cultures spread from one part of the world to another. How did the Crusades cause cultural diffusion during the Middle Ages?
What do you think? Were Crusades a poor decision? Good decision? Why or why not? Should you impose your ideas on someone else? Were there some good things that happened as a result? Would you have supported the idea of Crusading?
Regents Questions: In Europe, a long-term effect of the Crusades was 1. the strengthening of the feudal system 2. the adoption of Islamic religious practices 3. an increased demand for goods from the East 4. increased European isolation
Regents Questions: The art, music, and philosophy of the medieval period in Europe generally dealt with 1. human scientific achievements 2. religious themes 3. materialism 4. classic Greek and Roman subjects
Regents Questions: Which statement best describes the result of the Crusades? 1. Europeans maintained a lasting control over much of the Middle East 2. Islamic influence dominated Europe 3. Europeans developed tolerance of Non- Christian religions 4. trade between Europe and the Middle East was expanded
Regents Questions: What were two indirect results of the Crusades? 1. trade and commerce increased and the feudal system was strengthened 2. trade and commerce declined and the feudal system was strengthened 3. trade and commerce increased and the feudal system was weakened 4. trade and commerce declined and the feudal system was weakened
Regents Questions: Which economic system existed in Europe during the early Middle Ages? 1. free market 2. socialism 3. manorialism 4. command
The End