Religions of SW Asia Judaism Christianity Islam
Judaism Is the oldest religion in the world. It’s followers are known as Jews. They worship Yahweh. Their holy book is the Torah. The people believe that God will deliver the messiah. Temples
Christianity The largest of the three religions Followers are called Christians. Their holy book is the Holy Bible. Believe in God & Jesus Christ is their savior. 87% of Christian churches are in the Americas.
Christianity Includes Catholics Episcopalian Lutherans Baptist Methodist Mormons Church of Christ Nondenominational churches
Islam 2 nd largest religion. Their followers are called Muslims. They worship in Mosques. Their holy book is called the Koran. Their religion is built on The Five Pillars of Faith Muhammad is their greatest Prophet for Allah. MECCA
Mosque, Saudi Arabia
5 Pillars of Faith 1State “There is no God but, GOD, and Muhammad is the messenger”! 2Pray 5 times a day 3 Give to Charity 4Fast during the Lunar holy month (Ramadan) 5Must go on a hajj (religious journey) gdmJqjo