Photo Story 3 Photo Story is free, easy-to-use software application from Microsoft that lets you create slideshows using your own digital photos and images you download from the web. You can touch-up, crop, or rotate pictures, add special effects, music, and your own narration to your photo stories. Works with Windows operating system, the stories created with the program can only be played back with Windows Media Player on PCs running Windows. It's extremely simple to use, has many useful features and is easy for even novice computer users to learn. It's also easy to teach others to use this program, from young children to senior citizens. Works well with both our Windows Vista and Windows 7 Computers.
General Ideas Persuasive stories: Influencing and Impacting others Stories of Lessons Learned TV Commercials How to’s A day in the life of …. (a character, historical figure, scientist, mathematician, etc.)
Social Studies Ideas Be an explorer and tell the exploration from their point of view Historical documentary of an event in history News story of a current event comparing it to a historical event Decades project importing images and voices of the decade History of the town you live in Meet our community: school or local community How does geography affect community? TV commercial covering a historical tourist attraction
English-Language Arts Ideas “In a book cover near you…”Book trailer (digital book talk) Illustrate a student’s original work Illustrate poetry through art and narration Change an ending to your favorite story Describe the setting of a novel Compare a character to yourself
Math Ideas Take a Geometry walk and show what you found. Math is all around us! Use a digital camera to find out where. Illustrate math problems and equations.
Science Ideas Explain how inventions are important to others Simple machines, how have they changed the world? Science moment: public service science moment TV commercial How have animals adapted and changed? Affects of Technology on ______________
Fine Arts Ideas Biography of an artist, playwright, or musician Explain an art movement How to create, draw, paint, etc. Interpret a play Introduction to staging plays What does it take to be an artist, musician, playwright, etc?
Physical Education/Health Public Service announcement about exercise TV commercial about a sport History of a sport How do we stay healthy? Story about the food groups
Links to Lesson Plan Ideas Family Tree Photo Story Personal Narrative Photo Story Dress Code Photo Story The Art of Digital Stories Super Teacher Ideas for Photo Story