F LUENCY Phrasing Rereading Expressing Pacing Accuracy
F LUENT R EADERS …. Recognize words automatically Read aloud effortlessly Read aloud with expression Do not have to concentrate on decoding Focus on comprehension
A SSESSMENT W HEN TEACHING AND ASSESSING FLUENCY, TEACHERS SHOULD OBSERVE WHETHER STUDENTS CAN DO THE FOLLOWING : Recognize letters, clusters of letters, and words automatically. Attend to punctuation marks and syntax. Read long stretches of text while cross-checking for meaning, grammatical structure, and phonetic application. Group words into phrases or clause units.
A SSESSMENT C ONTINUED Emphasize words to enhance expression. (intonation and pitch) Convey the text’s mood and meaning. Adjust speed and amount of support needed to meet the demands of the text. Reread to clarify or problem solve. Read a wide variety of genre’.
F LUENCY INSTRUCTION EXTENDS BEYOND WORD RECOGNITION. Reading fluency refers to the efficient, effective word recognition skills that permit a reader to construct the meaning of the text. Fluency is evident through accurate, rapid, expressive oral reading and is applied during and makes possible, silent reading comprehension.
F LUENCY I NSTRUCTION T OOLS Can include……….. Repeated readings Readers Theater Phrase reading (Rasinski) Poetry Sight/ high frequency word recognition Super-Speed 100 & 1000 Recorded reading Choral reading and echo-reading Power Reading