Content Enhancement Series Lesson design
Teacher Leadership quote “Failure to plan is planning to fail”
Lesson Planning What is the first step you take when planning a lesson? What are the resources you use?
Effective lessons include A connection to the course and unit. Measurable objectives Appropriate teaching strategies. Several key questions. Measurement of student learning. Reflection component.
Lesson Template What does your lesson plan look like? What is included?
Hunter Model of Lesson Design Anticipatory Set Lesson Objective Teaching Strategies Modeling Check for understanding Guided Practice Independent Practice Closure
Backward Lesson Design Based on the thinking that if everyone has a clear picture of where they are going before they start, it will be easier for everyone to get there.
Backward Lesson Design Start with the end in mind; design around the task you will have students do to demonstrate their learning; this is often called the CULMINATING TASK
Backward Design Template Is a three step approach where you: Identify desired results Culminating Activity Determine acceptable evidence Plan appropriate learning experiences and instruction. Identify key questions to be answered at key point of the lesson.
What are the similarities and differences between the two templates?
Based on this information, what changes would you make in your lesson planning?
Websites _design curriculum_planning_with_backward_ design