Unit 1 Great scientists Great scientists. Reading 1.What impresses you most in 2003?


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 1 Great scientists Great scientists

Reading 1.What impresses you most in 2003?

What do you know about infectious diseases? Infectious diseases can be spread to other people. They have an unknown cause and need public health care to solve them. People may be exposed to infectious diseases, so may animals. Bird flu, AIDS and SARS are infectious diseases. Infectious diseases are difficult to cure.

What is Cholera? Cholera is the illness caused by a bacterium called Vibrio cholerae. It infects people’s intestines ( 肠 ), causing diarrhea ( 腹泻 ), vomiting and leg cramps. The most common cause of cholera is by someone eating food or drinking water that has been infected with the bacteria.

After a disaster, this is a very real danger, since regular, clean water and food supplies are often unavailable. The disease can be spread even further by infected people using already dirtied water sources to clean themselves or dispose of waste.

Great Britain Germany Death of first cholera case in London during the epidemic London Previous cholera epidemic in Great Britain in The spread of cholera

John Snow defeats “king cholera” Who is John Snow? attended her as her personal physician

John Snow 约翰. 斯诺 (1813 ~ 1858), 英国麻醉学家、 流行病专家。他首次提出了预防霍乱的措施。 1854 年, 伦敦霍乱流行, 斯诺通过研究霍乱病死者的日常 生活情况, 寻找到他们的共同行为模式, 发现了霍乱 与饮用不洁水的关系, 由于及时切断了二者的联系, 有效制止了霍乱的流行。

Bacteria/germs of cholera

Name of illness cholera ( 霍乱 ) Symptom( 症状 ) severe vomiting ( 呕吐 ) diarrhoea ( 腹泻 ) Aftereffect ( 后果 ) die quickly from a loss of liquid What was the cause of this illness? How did John Snow find it out?

Skim the text and find the main idea of the text. The passage is mainly about:_________________________________ How John Snow found the cause of the cholera and defeated it. Fast—reading:

Read the passage quickly and find the number below and the relevant happenings in the passage. Two theories In ; 10 The first suggested that…multiplied in the air; The second suggested… absorbed this disease into their bodies with their meals. Another outbreak hit London. More than 500 people had died in 10 days.

16, 37, 38 and 40 20, 21; 8, 9 7 These numbers in Broad Street near the water pump had many of the deaths 20 and 21 Broad Street and 8 and 9 Cambridge Street had no deaths… They didn’t drink the water from the Broad Street pump. These families worked in the pub at 7 Cambridge Street.

Make a question: Which theory to believe in? Cholera multiplied in the air without reason. A cloud of dangerous gas would float around until it found its victims. People absorbed it with their meals. Which one do you believe more? What about John Snow?

A map of Broad Street What method did he use? Broad Street Many deaths happened here. No death happened here. It seemed the water from the pump was to blame. What did he do next? Public house

(Para 6) What was another supporting evidence? (Para 5) He looked into the source of the water… John Snow was able to announce with certainty that polluted water carried the virus.

draw a conclusion think of a method collect results make a question find a problem analyse the results find supporting evidence find a problem make a question think of a method collect results analyse the results draw a conclusion draw a conclusion How to prove a new idea in scientific research? find supporting evidence

Para- graph Stages in an experiment Example in this investigation 1 Find a problem 2 Make a question 3 Think of a method What caused cholera? Which theory is correct? Collect data on those who were ill or died and where they got their water. Fill in the blanks.

4 Collect results 5 Analyse results 6 find supporting evidence 7 Draw a conclusion Plot information on a map to find out where people died or did not die. Analyse the water to see if that is the cause of the illness. Find other evidence to support the analysis. The water is to blame. The source of all drinking water should be examined so that it is safe.

Read the passage and number these events in the order that they happened. ___ John Snow began to test two theories. ___ An outbreak of cholera hit London in ___ He announced that the water carried the disease. ___ John Snow marked the deaths on a map Careful—reading:

___ King Cholera was defeated. ___ He found that most of the deaths were near a water pump. ___ He had the handle removed from the water pump. ___ John Snow investigated two streets where the outbreak was very severe

1. John Snow believed Idea 2 was right. How did he finally prove it? John Snow finally proved his idea because he found an outbreak that was clearly related to cholera, collected information and was able to tie cases outside the area to the polluted water. Read and answer the questions.

2. Do you think John Snow would have solved this problem without the map? Give a reason. No. The map helped John Snow organize his ideas. He was able to identify those households that had many deaths and check their water- drinking habits. He identified those houses that had no deaths and surveyed their drinking habits. The evidence clearly pointed to the polluted water being the cause.

3. Cholera was a 19th century disease. What disease do you think is similar to cholera today? Four diseases, which are similar today, are SARS, AIDS, TB ( 肺结核 ) and bird-flu, because they are both very serious, have an unknown cause and need public health care to solve them.

1. The passage mainly tells us that ____. A. the cause of cholera was polluted water B. John Snow was a well-known doctor in London C. the source of all drinking water should be examined D. John Snow did some research and helped to solve “King Cholera” Choose the best answer. D

2. What was the key help for John Snow’s discovery? A. The government. B. The woman moving away from Broad Street. C. The water company. D. The map made by himself. D

John Snow was a well-known ______ in London in the _____ century. He wanted to find the ______ of cholera in order to ______ it. In 1854 when a cholera ______ out, he began to gather information. doctor 19thcause defeat broke

He _________ on a map where all the dead people had lived and he found that many people who had drunk the dirty water from the ______ died. So he decided that the polluted water carried cholera. He suggested that the _______ of all water supply be __________ and new methods of ________ with polluted water be found. Finally, “King Cholera” was defeated. marked pump sourceexamined dealing

Language points

1. know about know of There is something I want to know about. I know of it, but I didn’t know it well. 了解有关 … 的情况 听说过

To conclude, I want to thank you for your help. 得出结论 : arrive at draw/reach come to a conclusion 2. conclude: The jury concluded that he was guilty. to conclude: 总而言之, 总之 conclusion: n. 结论 v. 作结论, 断定

Those are the facts; what do you conclude from them? I came to/drew/reached the conclusion that you were lying. From these facts, we can draw some conclusions about how the pyramids were built.

3. defeat v. / n. 击败, 战胜 win/beat/defeat win “ 赢得, 获胜 ”, 后接奖品, 奖金, 名誉, 财产; beat “ 击败, 战胜 ”, 后接竞争队伍或者对手, 敌人; defeat “ 击败,战胜 ”, 后接竞争队伍或者对手, 敌人, ( 此用法同 beat), 疾病等。 He defeated the champion in three sets. His words completely defeated me. The Party faces defeat in the election.

1) Mary _____ the first place in the competition. 2) Our school _______________ their school at football. 3) I ______________ John at chess yesterday. won beat/defeated 4. John Snow was a famous doctor in London—so expert, indeed, that he attended Queen Victoria as her personal physician. 约翰. 斯诺曾经是一位著名 的医生 -- 他的确医术精湛, 因而成了维多利亚女王的私人 大夫。

1. expert n. 专家 ; 高手 ; 权威 expert 也可以作形容词, “ 熟练的 ; 老练的 ; 经验 ( 或知识 ) 丰富的 ” an agricultural expert an expert with the computer an expert rider an expert opinion

②照看, 照料 如 : The doctor attended (on/upon) the patients. ③出席,到场 如 : attend school 上学 attend a lecture 听讲座 attend church 去教堂 attend (at) a wedding 出席婚礼 2. attend v. ① 注意, 留意 We’ll attend to the solution of that problem later.

attend to ① 处理, 办理 ② 照顾, 照料 Are you being attended to ? If you go out, I’ll attend to the baby. ③ 专心, 注意 If you don’t attend to the teacher, you’ll never learn anything. I have some important things to attend to. attendance n. 照顾, 出席

5. But he became inspired when he thought about help- ing ordinary people exposed to cholera. exposed to cholera 在句子中是过去分词用作后置 定语, 表示被动, 意为 “ 患霍乱的 ” 。 The book written by Lu Xun is very popular. The man seen by us yesterday is Professor Smith. 但当他一想到要帮助那些得了霍乱的普通百姓时, 他就感到很振奋。

exposed adj. 暴露的, 暴露于风雨中的, 无掩蔽的 exposedness n. 暴露, 显露 expose to 使暴露,揭穿 expose sth to the light of day 把某事暴露于光天化日之下 expose a fraud 揭穿骗局

1) Miles of sand are exposed at low tide. 2) The people of some Asian countries were exposed to the tsunami in ) He exposed the crime to the police. 4) He exposed the plan to the newspaper. to uncover to make suffer to make known

5) The wolf opened its mouth to expose a row of sharp teeth. 6) Don’t expose your skin to the sun or your skin will be hurt.

6. This was the deadly disease of its day. die v. 死,死亡 dead adj. 死的 death n. 死亡; deadly adj. 致命的 (1) dangerous; likely to cause death 危险的 ; 致命的 a deadly disease/weapon (2) highly effective against sth. or someone 强有力的 ; 致命的 a deadly remark 击中要害的评论

(3) aiming to kill or destroy 意在杀死的 ; 不共戴天的 : a deadly enemy 不共戴天的敌人 deadly adv. (1) very 极度 ; 非常 ; 十分 deadly serious 十分认真 (2) like death 死一般地 deadly pale 死一般苍白

7. So many thousands of terrified people died every time there was an outbreak. every time 在这里是连词, 引导时间状语从句, 意 为 “ 每次, 每当 ” 。 Every time I meet him, I always think of the things happened between us. 注意 : 注意 : immediately, the moment, directly, instantly 等与 every time 一样, 都可以用作连词引导时间状 语从句, 意为 “ 一 …… 就 ” 。

I will give the letter to him immediately I see him. I came directly I got your letter. 8. The second suggested that people absorbed this disease into their bodies with their meals. suggest 经常有 “ 建议 ” 的意思, 但在这个句子里的 意思是 “ 暗示、(间接)表明 ” 。 The disorganized meeting suggested bad preparation.

(1) suggest 表示 “ 建议 ” 的意思, 在后文中有体现 : “To prevent this from happening again, John Snow suggested that the source of all the water supplies be examined.” 又如 : I suggested that he (should) give up smoking. The chairman suggested the meeting be put off until next week.

suggest 后面还可以接 -ing 形式或名词作其宾语。 suggest 后面还可以接复合宾语: suggest sb. to do sth. She suggested a picnic at the weekend. Kane suggested leaving early for the airport. She suggested us to have picnic at the weekend. Kane suggested his brother to leave early for the airport.

(2) absorb…into 吸收 如: The big company has gradually absorbed these small companies into its own organization. absorb v. 1) 吸收 ( 液体 ) Water absorbs oxygen. 2) The clever boy absorbed all the knowledge his teacher could give him. 理解, 接受

(3) The book absorbed his attention. (4) The surrounding small towns have been absorbed into the city. 吸引 ( 注意力, 兴趣等 ) 使并入, 吞并 be absorbed in … 被 …… 吸引 ; 专心于 ; 全神贯注于 某事 He is absorbed in his book. The little girl was absorbed in reading a tale.

9. It seemed that the water was to blame. be+ 动词不定式, 可以表示该做或不该做的事情, 相当于 must, should, ought to 等。 No one is to leave this building without the permission of the police. You are not to drop litter in the park. be + to blame 受到责备, 主动表被动 看来霍乱的流行要归罪于饮水了。

10. Next, John Snow looked into the source of the water for these two streets. look into 往 …… 里面看 ; 检查 ; 了解。 其次,约翰 · 斯诺调查了这两 条街的水源。 We’ll look into this matter together. 拓展: look on 观看, 旁观, 看待 look out 留神, 照料 look over 察看, 检查 look around 环顾, 观光 look through 看穿, 审核, 浏览 look after 寻求, 照顾, 关心 look up and down 仔细打量, 到处寻找

A. 操作 ; 运用 B. 经销 ; 买卖 C. 管理 D. 对待 E. 应付 F. 控制 ; 管理 11. Handle v. 1) Ms Hawkins, the chief accountant of the company handles the company's accounts. 2) The children are so naughty that I can't handle them. 3) She handled a difficult argument skillfully. C F E 4) Handle children kindly, if you want them to trust you. 5) This shop handles paper and stationery. 6) He learnt how to handle the axe. D B A Choose the correct explanations.

link…to... 把 …… 与 …… 连接 ; 联系 Fingerprints linked the suspect to the crime. be linked to 连接 The two towns are linked by a railway. 12. In another part of London, he found supporting evidence from two deaths that were linked to the Broad Street outbreak. 在伦敦的另一个地区, 他从两个与 Broad Street 爆发的霍乱有关联的死亡病例中又发现了 有力证据。

13. With this extra evidence John Snow was able to announce with certainty that polluted water carried the virus. announce v. to make known publicly 宣布 The captain announced that the plane was going to land. 有了这个证据, 约翰. 斯诺就能够肯定地宣布, 这种被污染的水携带病毒。 announce sth. (to sb.) announce that + 从句 It is / was announced that + 从句 据宣传

-- Who instructs your class in history? -- Mr Black. He is our instructor. She instructed me in the use of this telephone. I've been instructed to wait here until the lecturer arrives. v. (to teach; to order) 指导;命令 14. instruct instructionn. detailed directions on procedure; an order; teaching 使用说明;指令;授课 We forgot to read the instructions. (an instruction book) Under Berry’s instruction, I slowly mastered the art of glass blowing.

1. Don’t _______ ( 暴露 ) your skin to the sun for too long. 2. ________ you ___ ( 既不 …… 也不 ) he is right. 3. ___________ ( 每当 )I meet him, I always think of the things having happened between us. 4. _______________ ( 好像 ) she was lying. 5. Who is _________ ( 责备 ) for the mistake? 6. It __________ ( 暗示 ) that it was going to rain. 7. I suggested that he _______________ ( 戒烟 ) smoking. expose Neither nor Every time It seemed that to blame (should) give up suggested Fill in the blanks.

Nicolaus Copernicus born: in Poland in 1473 died : May 24, 1543

He was one of the first scientists to use mathe- matical observations to collect information. He believed the sun is the center of the universe and the earth and other planets went around it.


Showing Copernicus’ theory The earth is the centre of the solar system The sun is the centre of the solar system Before Copernicus’ theory

Mind map of the text Paragraph 1: the background of Copernicus’ study Paragraph 2: the cause of Copernicus’ study Paragraph 3: the procedure of Copernicus’ study Paragraph 4: the result of Copernicus’ study Paragraph 5: Copernicus’ theory replaced the Christian idea and proved correct.

1. At Copernicus’ time, Christian Church was in charge of many western countries. 2. Copernicus noticed that observed from the earth, some planets appear in front of or behind the earth. 3. Copernicus didn’t show his new theory to his friends until he completed it. T F T True or False?

4. His friends were not interested in his ideas. 5. Since he was not afraid of being attacked by the Church, Copernicus published his book as soon as he finished working on it. 6. Newton, Einstein, and Hawking are all scientists who made contribution to the study of the universe. F F T

Summary Copernicus was _________ because he found the earth was not the centre of the solar ________, only if you put the sun there did the ___________ of the other planets in the sky ___________. He kept improving his new theory until he felt it was __________ in He suggested that the earth was _________ as it went round the sun. confused system movements make sense. completed spinning

His friends were ___________ and encouraged him to publish his ideas, but Copernicus was ________ he didn’t want to be_________ by Christian Church. In fact, he was right. The Church _________ his theory, saying it was against God’s idea. enthusiastic cautiousattacked rejected

Put the following sentences into Chinese: 1. He became interested in two theories that possibly explained how cholera killed people. The first sugg- ested that cholera multiplied in the air. A cloud of dangerous gas floated around until it found its victims. 2. As the disease spread quickly through poor neigh- bourhood, he began to gather information. 3. First he marked on a map the exact places where all the dead people had lived. This gave him valuable clue about the cause of the disease.

4. He found that it came from the river polluted by the dirty water from London. He immediately told the astonished people in Broad Street to remove the handle from the pump so that it could not be used. 5. A woman, who had moved from Broad Street, liked the water from the pump so much that she had it de- liverd to her house every day.