Ms. April Hawkins, Principal Mr. Zeno Hines, Assistant Principal Mr. William McGee, Assistant Principal Ms. Angela Mosley, Assistant Principal Armstrong High School Mock School Board Presentation January 12, 2012
Demographics - Students Student Membership2011 Grade Grade Grade Grade 12195
Student & Staff Attendance
Truancy Rates % % %
Offense Category Weapons Offenses7166 Offenses Against Students Offenses Against Staff Other Offenses Against Persons Alcohol, Tobacco, & Other Drug Offenses Property Offenses Disorderly or Disruptive Behavior Offenses Technology Offenses All Other Offenses Climate: School Safety
Comparison Benchmark Scores (Percent Passing) Algebra Benchmark 107 Benchmark 36 Geometry Benchmark Benchmark 341 Algebra II Benchmark 1039 Benchmark 335
Comparison Benchmark Scores (Percent Passing) English Benchmark Benchmark 354 English 10 Benchmark Benchmark 364 English 11 Benchmark Benchmark 355 English 12 Benchmark Benchmark 376
Comparison Benchmark Scores (Percent Passing) Earth Science Benchmark Benchmark 363 Biology Benchmark Benchmark 346 Chemistry Benchmark Benchmark 354 Physics Benchmark Benchmark 338
Comparison Benchmark Scores (Percent Passing) W. History I Benchmark Benchmark 367 W. History II Benchmark Benchmark 364
Comparison Benchmark Scores (Percent Passing) US History Benchmark Benchmark 341 US Government Benchmark Benchmark 333
Adjusted Accreditation Pass Rates English Math History Science Graduation Completer Index -- 65
The strengths of our school’s transformation/turnaround Received an internal and external partner Made adjustments in the assignments of existing personnel. Removed staff members who lacked the skills to raise student performance Created one or more new positions expressly designed to help in efforts to raise achievement and improve the graduation rate Increased monitoring of instruction by specialists and outside consultants Designed professional development specifically linked to student learning and individual teachers’ needs Celebrated student and staff success regularly Established new partnerships Increased number of support personnel (i.e., tutors) Established the GRADS Program
The areas of opportunity (areas for improvement) of our school’s transformation/turnaround Improve student achievement Strengthen the Leadership Team Expand the leadership capacity Intensify efforts to inform and engage parents and community members Utilize data to better guide instruction Improve the record keeping process Improve the attendance rate Improve the graduation rate Decrease the disciplinary infractions
How the SIG funds been used (both at the school and the division level) Hired an internal and external partner Hired a PLC Academic Coordinator Hired an Intervention Specialist Provided focused professional development for teachers and leadership teams Purchased instructional materials and supplies Purchased incentives for students and staff Hired tutors and coaches Established model classrooms
Model StrandsLevel of Implementation Creation and Use of District TeamHigh Implementation Enabling School AutonomyPartial Implementation Principal and Hiring TeachersHigh Implementation Stakeholder EngagementPartial Implementation Creation and Use of School TeamPartial Implementation Leading ChangePartial Implementation Evaluating, rewarding, removing staffPartial Implementation Professional DevelopmentPartial Implementation Learning TimePartial Implementation Reforming InstructionPartial Implementation Our Progress in Implementing Federal Requirements
The unexpected barriers that came up during implementation Five major barriers are noted: Ineffective staff members Lack of parental involvement Getting students to “buy-in” for extended instructional opportunities Lack of a sense of urgency among stakeholders Inability among some to build relationships to assist with classroom instruction
Our goals for the rest of the school year Maintain a consistent focus on improving instruction. Make visible improvements in the school for quick wins. Build a staff that is committed to the school’s improvement goals. Enhance school climate. Bridge parental involvement. Embrace new partnerships. Continue to build interpersonal relationships among all stakeholders. Decrease disciplinary infractions.
How we are planning for the phase out of the Lead Turnaround Partner, the increased state supports, and the additional funds Building capacity of all stakeholders Institutionalizing the established “best practices” Pursuing other grants, partnerships, and funding sources Reallocating current funding sources